Chinese Tiger Prostrates Before Trump Lion

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2017

After the endless talk about currency devaluation and trade war, then the whole Taiwan phone call thing, then the Spratleys comments, the filthy Jew media, the cuckseratives, the whole establishment was claiming Trump was an idiot who was going to get us into a war with China.


The tiger just rolled over and showed its belly to the lion.


Beijing has played down the prospects of conflict with the United States over the South China Sea in the wake of aggressive rhetoric by Donald Trump’s administration, saying both sides would lose.

China asserts sovereignty over almost all of the resource-rich region despite rival claims from Southeast Asian neighbours and has rapidly built reefs into artificial islands capable of hosting military planes.

The islands are considered a potential flashpoint and recent comments from White House spokesman Sean Spicer and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson have raised the temperature.

But Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on a visit to Australia that war would benefit no-one.

“For any sober-minded politician, they clearly recognise that there cannot be conflict between China and the United States,” he said in Canberra through an interpreter late Tuesday, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported.

“Both will lose and both sides cannot afford that.”

Spicer last month said the US “is going to make sure we protect our interests” in the South China Sea while Tillerson said China’s access to the islands might be blocked — raising the prospect of a military confrontation.

Wang said the US-China relationship had defied “all sorts of difficulties” over decades and pointed to more recent statements by US Defence Secretary James Mattis that it was important to give priority to diplomatic efforts, ABC said.

On a trip to Japan last week, Mattis said Beijing “has shredded the trust” of regional countries with the military fortification of islands it controls, but balanced the message with a call for disputes to be settled through arbitration and diplomacy.

If ever you think Our Leader is doing something stupid, remember that he is smarter than you are.

Remember this with the Iran stuff, remember it with the Israel stuff. Whenever doubt creeps in.

Always remember it: he is smarter than me, he is smarter than you, and he knows what the hell is going on.

And he is fighting for us. For you and me. For the United States of America. For our history and for our children’s future.