Chinks and Media Jews Butthurt Over Trump Call to Taiwan

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 3, 2016

The Jew media is acting like China made a stupid mistake by calling up Taiwan.

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As if, at this point, it is even possible to believe that Donald Trump makes stupid mistakes.

How much does this guy have to WIN before the Jews lose the nerve to keep claiming he is some sort of childlike dumbass and/or completely insane?

Daily Caller:

China dismissed President-elect Donald Trump’s historic phone call with Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen as a “petty action” Saturday morning.

Tsai and Trump discussed various economic, political, and security aspects of the U.S.-Taiwan relationship during a 10-minute call Friday.

The call between the two leaders is reportedly the first time a U.S. president or president-elect has spoken with a Taiwanese state leader since formal diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Taiwan were officially severed in 1979.

Tsai called Trump; however, the meeting was reportedly arranged by both sides in advance.

China is displeased with the sudden break in decades of protocol and diplomatic practice.

“This is but a petty action created by Taiwan. It can never change the ‘one China’ reality that has formed in international society,” Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi remarked at a forum Saturday, according to The Straits Times. “The ‘one China’ principle is the cornerstone of a healthy Sino-U.S. relationship. We do not want this political foundation to be affected or destroyed by anything.”

Wang’s response, while relatively restrained, belies China’s concern.

“It must be stated that, there is only one China and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory, and the government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legitimate government that represents China. Those are all facts recognized by the international community,” explained Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Geng Shuang.

“We urge the relevant U.S. side to honor the commitment to the one-China policy as well as the three Sino-U.S. joint communiques, and cautiously and properly handle Taiwan-related issues to avoid any unnecessary disturbance to the bigger picture of the Sino-U.S. relations,” he added.

China’s state-run Global Times argued Trump fell prey to a “trick” by Taiwan.

“The fact is Taiwan made a petty gesture before Trump is sworn in, and Trump responded to it,” the tabloid asserted. “They know the only thing that can be done to the One-China policy is some marginalized tricks to serve their short-term interests.”

Taiwan has been a thorn in Beijing’s side for decades. China perceives Taiwan as a separatist province, a democratic threat undermining Beijing’s authoritarian leadership, and a roadblock on the path to unification.

Tsai’s pro-independence leanings and stated objections to the “one China” policy are disconcerting for China. Since Tsai’s election earlier this year, tension between Beijing and Taipei has mounted.

I would assume that Trump made the call to show China that he isn’t playing a game. That the rules have changed.

That there is a new sheriff in town.

Just as a side-note here: how bizarre is it that the “human rights democracy” people in the US have for so long sided with the authoritarian Chinese government, a government which tortures people and eats dogs, over the “human rights democracy” of Taiwan?

I mean, I personally don’t care about “human rights democracy.” But I’m just saying. The US government has forever claimed that they care more about this than anything else, and yet they have since 1979 supported China’s claim that Taiwan belongs to China.