Chris Christie Gets Drunk on Colbert’s Show, Turns on Trump For Shafting Him

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
January 31, 2019

Chris Christie decided to get blasted with Colbert on air and try to sell his new book.

Both parts are really something.

I’ve never seen anything like it on TV before.

Chris Christie highlights include:

  • “I’m shilling”
  • “If it gets me loaded, I don’t care.”
  • The FBI is good people
  • Trump tossed me under the bus
  • “I love Nancy Pelosi”
  • I would be a better president than Trump

The big greasy drunk clearly thinks that Trump is dead in the water and he’s moving in like a giant fat shark to take a chomp out of Trump’s still warm body.

At first I was like:

Then I was like:

And then it be like:

Now I iz:

Look, this was a despicable move on his part. Even the blue tie was deliberate, to highlight the fact that he’s a crossing over the aisle as it were.

Cucking, in layman’s speak.

It did him no good.

Colbert also ripped him a new asshole by telling Christie that literally no one likes him. To his face. As the audience laughed and jeered. I half-expected that Colbert would make fun of his weight as well. It was that sad.

So well done, Christie. Was it worth it?

Sickening display and a completely failed attempt to make nice with the Lunatic Left.

But let’s be honest here. Trump did himself no favors by making an enemy out of Chris. Remember, Christie backed Trump after it was clear that he was not going to win the primaries. He joined Team Trump when it was still a long shot that Trump would win, when he could have easily made a safer choice like Ted Cruz and he reasonably expected something out of it. 

Instead, he got shafted by… wait for it… fucking Jared Kushner of all people. 

Wow. I literally can’t even. Just how badly is this one kike going to sabotage Trump?

It’s just morbidly hilarious at this point.

A reminder: Chris Christie persecuted Kushner’s father, Charles “Tip Top Kike” Kushner for his heinous crimes.

And Christie got kicked off the Trump train by his son as revenge.


Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said that “one of the most loathsome, disgusting crimes” he prosecuted more than a decade ago when he was a US attorney was committed by the father of President Donald Trump’s son-in-law and top adviser Jared Kushner.

Christie, who chaired Trump’s transition team for a short time, has recently been drawing attention to his relationship with Kushner and his father, the real estate developer Charles Kushner, while promoting his new book, “Let Me Finish.”

According to excerpts of the book reported on by Axios and The Guardian, Christie claims that the younger Kushner was behind his departure from Trump’s inner circle after the 2016 election, writing that he was “still apparently seething over events that had occurred a decade ago.”

Christie recently wrote an op-ed for Politico outlining what happened. It’s worth reading. Kushner literally came into the room and vetoed his appointment to run the Trump transition team, and literally started talking about how his father’s situation should have been “handled by the rabbis.” The case was over illegal political donations and tax evasion and eventually witness tampering. The witness tampering involved among other things a plot to set his brother-in-law up with a prostitute and send the pictures to his sister, because he thought they were working with Christie. Really, the kikiest shit you ever heard of.

It’s almost like all of Trump’s problems could have been avoided if he had just rid himself of one turbo-kike in the beginning of his Presidency.

Instead, that kike made him a whole roster of enemies, subverted his America First agenda and… what’s even left for him to do at this point?

Kushner will almost certainly testify against Trump and his family as the key witness, before this is all over. 

Andrew Anglin contributed to this report.