Chris Christie Just Endorsed Donald Trump!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 27, 2016

A five-hundred pound man just climbed up on the Trump Train – and his massive weight has caused it to move even faster.

Appearing at a press conference in Fort Worth, Chris Christie endorsed The Donald for President of the United States of America.

The tides are turning and the sands are shifting under the feet of the Jews.

Donald Trump is now official. Endorsement after endorsement is going to start flowing towards him, causing the cuckservatives and kikeservatives to back up even further.

It’s really not even fair. Before this contest started, someone should have called the Jews and been like: “Did you know this guy wrote The Art of the Deal? You should probably plan this thing out, I don’t think your normal strategy of name-calling is going to work, and you could well end up getting BTFO.”

For the record, I’d say it’s unlikely Trump promised or is planning on giving Christie the VP slot. Obviously, this gets him some position in the coming NEW ROME – if I had to guess, I’d say he’ll be our Attorney General.

Won’t that be something? A White Attorney General!

Well, they have White rappers now, so I don’t see why we can’t have a White Attorney General.

Chris Christie is a pretty cool guy.


Here’s Christie’s other endorsement, introducing Trump at today’s rally in Fort Worth.

Very good.