Chris Matthews Effectively Endorsed Donald Trump

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 3, 2016

Chris Matthews this week viciously and bitterly attacked the sickening corrupt aggro granny Hillary Clinton and effectively endorsed Donald Trump, telling people that they have a real chance to change things by voting for an outsider on Tuesday.

The Jewish kike media is doing damage control, trying to explain how this isn’t effectively an endorsement of Donald Trump.

But if it isn’t that, then what is it?

Watch the clip and see if you can come up with an alternate explanation of this speech.

The liberal media figures with any sense at all are jumping ship.

We are seeing this in real time. The whole thing is coming down. They are grabbing for their life preservers.

I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing politicians linked to Clinton and her foundation fleeing the country in the next few days.