January 1, 2014

A Southern California church nativity scene is featuring a bloody Trayvon Martin in place of the infant Jesus in an effort to stir a community conversation about gun violence.
An article in the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin reports that the nativity scene on the lawn of the Claremont United Methodist Church was created by artist John Zachary, who is a member of the church.
Mr Martin is shown wearing a black hoodie (which he was wearing when he was shot), slumped over and bleeding.
Critics on Facebook have blasted the depiction as sacrilege.
One comment states: “How sad to replace the Savior in the nativity scene. What kind of church is this??? I pray that you will understand the real reason for the season.”
The church’s Reverend Dan Lewis said the scene featuring the Florida teenager whose shooting death captivated the nation was meant to be thought provoking.
The church’s home page features a photo of text alongside the art installation, reading: “There is no better time to reflect on gun violence than advent, when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.”
The Daily Bulletin article reports that this is the seventh straight Christmas in which the church has turned its Nativity display into a piece of art that comments on the times.
The scene will remain in place at the church 35 miles east of Los Angeles through January 5.