Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2015

As the reader is likely aware, Christian bakers have faced severe persecution across the White world under Jew-devised anti-discrimination laws which seek to bully them into endorsing faggotry. This has happened in both the UK and the US, forcing hardship on family businesses for the purpose of punishing them for their beliefs.
Well, now in Colorado, where Christians had been persecuted over cakes, a Christian customer has switched-up the game and gone to a gay bakery and demanded he be made a Bible-shaped cake which features anti-faggot messages, the queer website Out Front Colorado reports.
A man came in to Azucar Bakery, and found the Bible-shaped cake in a catalog, and asked that it be made to read “God Hates Homosexuality” above anti-gay imagery. The shop’s owner, Marjorie Silva, refused, telling the IRL justice troll that they would bake the cake and leave it blank and he could have a package with the materials to write on the cake himself.

He then threatened legal action and walked out, according to employees. He allegedly returned two more times to demand his “equal rights” to have a fag-hating religious cake produced by the homosexual bakery, and was shown out.
The heroic man has now filed a discrimination complaint with Colorado’s Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA).
Silva received a letter from the agency, and posted a reply.
From it:
I can … tell you that the customer wanted us to draw two males holding hands … with a big ‘X’ on them. I told him that we do not like to discriminate in this bakery, we accept all humans and that the message and drawing is extremely rude.
Well, lady, Christians believe that a man sticking his penis in another man’s butthole and then demanding that the entire world congratulate him for doing so is “extremely rude.” Which is why we don’t want to make such cakes. But you’ve forced us to make such cakes. And now the bell tolls for thee.
She closed the letter:
I would like to make it clear that we never refused service. We only refused to write and draw what we felt was discriminatory against gays. In the same manner we would not … make a discriminatory cake against Christians, we will not make one that discriminates against gays.
“We never refused service, we only refused to service his religious beliefs” – ha! Could the Christian bakers who got sued by the ACLU for not doing the anal cakes not say the same? They weren’t refusing the customer outright, they were refusing to do imagery that violated their personal value system. Just like you’ve just done.
And hey – it’s against the law!
DORA will make its decision on whether to press charges within 30 days.
Please note that I don’t agree with these laws. I believe in free association. But they have forced these “you must service Negroes and faggots” laws upon us, and I absolutely support exploiting them against the enemy.
I am presently trying to figure out how to sue PayPal for discriminating against me due to my beliefs.