Christmas in the Third Reich Video Collage

Daily Stormer
December 26, 2014


Youtube description:

A collage of video clips and still images, primarily from the war years, combined with traditional German Christmas music. It begins with an excerpt from a speech by Adolf Hitler announcing the national Winter Hilfswerk (public Winter Help Service) with my English narration, followed by a news reel concerning collection of needed clothes and goods, food, blankets etc for the soldiers on the Eastern Front (with English subs).

There are many images included here of both civilians, leadership and soldiers celebrating Christmas. There is also a clip from a U-Boot crew in the Caribbean celebrating Christmas. And finally, at the at the very end, I have included the amazing, historical “Weihnachtsringsendung” (Christmas Ring Broadcast) which took place via military two-way radio and the domestic public airwaves. With this broadcast, the entire German nation at home, and their soldiers, sailors and airmen on all fronts of the war, were joined together for a few minutes via radio on Christmas Eve 1942, to sing “Stille Nacht” (Silent Night). It was a miraculous, and a very uplifting display of national solidarity and Christian brotherly love: the very things National Socialism stood for, and which only the forced war under the combined might of the corrupt Allied Nations could destroy.