Christmas with Trump in Orlando!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 17, 2016

Donald Trump is a great, great man.

He has so much to do right now. Along with setting up his new administration, he is also fighting these evil kikes.

The rat monkey Obongo has also declared he has no desire to make the transition easy for him, and is thwarting him at every turn.

And with all of this, he takes the time out to tour the country thanking people.

He is truly a hero worthy of the title “GOD EMPEROR.”

Orlando Sentinel:

Donald Trump exulted in his victory before a crowd of more than 11,000 people in Orlando on Friday night, part of the president-elect’s “U.S.A. Thank You Tour” of states he won in November.

Speaking on a cool evening on an outdoor stage filled with Christmas trees at the Central Florida Fairgrounds, Trump told the story of how he came to defeat Hillary Clinton on Election Night.

“I’m here today for one main reason, to say ‘thank you’ to the incredible people of Florida,” Trump told the crowd, who chanted back “Thank you Trump” along with the usual “Lock her up” and “Drain the swamp.”

“In many ways, Florida is my second home. In many ways, its my first home,” Trump said.

Trump joked about the crowd, saying that the fire marshal stopped letting people in because of worries about a “stampede.”

“That’s pretty good when you can’t get into a field,” Trump said. “That’s how many people we have, they’re worried about a stampede. At least we know it’ll be a friendly stampede.”

Trump thanked Florida Gov. Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi for support as well, calling them “terrific people.”

He also remarked on how the image of his rallies has changed.

“You were nasty and mean and vicious, and you wanted to win,” he said. “Now, the same crowd … You’re laid back and mellow and basking in the glory of victory.”

Trump also mentioned the attacks on Pulse nightclub in June, saying, “Let me keep this as clearly as I can: I am going to keep radical Islamic terrorists the hell out of our country.”

Pulse shooter Omar Mateen, however, was born in Queens.

Trump pledged once again to suspend immigration from regions where immigrants “cannot be safely processed” through “extreme vetting.”

The president-elect also promised less foreign interventions.

Instead of rebuilding foreign nations, its time to rebuild our nation,” Trump said. “For too loing we’ve been moving from one reckless intervention to another. Countries you have never even heard of before. It’s reckless and it’s going to stop.”

His talk of foreign entanglements didn’t get a real cheer from the crowd, though, until he talked about Syrians – who he has said would no longer be allowed in the U.S. as refugees.

“We’re not having them come over here, we’re going to build safe zones in Syria,” he said. “And we’re going to get the Gulf states to pay for the safe zones.”

Trump also alluded to his previous comments about banning flag-burning, which has been criticized on First Amendment grounds.

“I don’t like when I see people burning our flag,” he said. “I don’t like it and we’re going to try doing something about it.”

The president-elect talked about bringing jobs back to America by revising trade deals and embarking on a $1 trillion rebuilding of the nation’s bridges, roads and other infrastructure.

Beforehand, supporters surrounded the outdoor stage at the fairgrounds as the sun set, waving “Women for Trump” and holding “Make Christmas Great Again” signs.

“I’m thrilled with Trump’s approach to political correctness,” said Paul Zahl of Winter Garden. “The fact that it’s a ‘Merry Christmas’ thank you tour is enough to make me vote for the man.”

“Plus,” he added, “It’s a hoot! It’s like a rock concert.”

The rally opened to the public just as news was reported that the FBI and director of national intelligence agreed with the CIA’s assessment that Russia interfered with the election by hacking the Democratic National Committee to help Trump. Trump has said he did not believe the CIA.

Ron Garsky of The Villages said he did not believe the assessments, either.

“I don’t think Russia had anything to do with any of it,” Garsky said.

Yeah, no one thinks it.

Republicans don’t think it. The people saying it don’t think it. The colored people who now make up the majority of the Democrat party don’t even understand what it means.

So who believes it?

Probably a couple stupid women somewhere, I guess.