Christogenea Europe: The European Right – What are the Chances? Part 2

Daily Stormer
March 29, 2015


William Finck and Sven Longshanks return with a second instalment looking at the Far Right political scene in Europe.

This podcast deals mainly with the Baltic nationalist parties and how they are openly ethno-nationalist and are having success.

The main parties covered are:

The Latvian National Alliance

The Conservative People’s Party of Estonia

The Lithuanian Nationalist Union Party

The Soviet occupation of the Baltic nations is also discussed, as well as the resistance against it including the Latvian and Estonian Waffen SS Units.

Putin’s funding of Antifa groups in Latvia, while helping Far Right groups from elsewhere in Europe is also discussed, along with Pegida’s anti-fascist stance and the successful National Action demo from Newcastle.

More information on Nationalism in the Baltics can be found here.
