Daily Stormer
July 15, 2014

After failing two years ago, a proposal to allow women to be Bishops in the Anglican Church went through on Monday, crushing centuries of tradition in order to support idiotic modern notions of the total “equality” of all human beings.
But after a five-hour debate on Monday, the General Synod, the governing body of the Church of England, voted overwhelmingly in favour of an amended plan at its meeting in the northern English city of York.
“Today is the completion of what was begun over 20 years ago with the ordination of women as priests. I am delighted with today’s result,” said Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby, spiritual leader of the world’s 80 million Anglicans.
“Today marks the start of a great adventure of seeking mutual flourishing while still, in some cases, disagreeing.”
The issue over women bishops has caused internal division since the Synod approved female priests in 1992.
It has pitted reformers, keen to project a more modern image of the Church as it struggles with falling congregations in many increasingly secular countries, against a conservative minority which says the change contradicts the Bible.
The Archbishop of Canterbury is, of course, a Jew.
Traditions become tradition for a reason, and these are not arbitrary reasons as the liberal Jews would have you believe.
Women were not allowed positions of authority in society, traditionally, because they are so much more driven by emotion than logic. This is an obvious reality, which our ancestors acted on because it was obvious. Now, with an understanding of biology, we can explain scientifically why a woman should not be considered for leadership in society: her brain is flooded with estrogen, which causes her to act almost entirely on emotional drives. This means she is not capable of decision-making in the same fashion as a man.
Our new society not only denies obvious realities, it denies scientific realities. It is based on the crazy notion that telling yourself something makes it true, and that reality itself can be bent to meet feel-good nonsense.