Chuck Jewmer Engages in Kike Scheming Session with Jew Rachel Maddyke

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 5, 2016

The hunched, conniving Jew Chucky Schumer met up with the dyke Jewess Rachel Maddow yesterday for a public Jewish scheme session.

Schumer is the new Senate minority leader for the new congress that started yesterday.

Among the revelations were that Schumer believes Trump isn’t paying attention to anything and is just going around tweeting while the “hard right” runs everything for him.

This brings up a funny image of Trump on his iPhone and people coming and asking him what to do and him being like “man I don’t know, I’m busy – just ask the Nazis and do whatever they tell you.”

That obviously isn’t what’s happening. Trump is extremely intelligent and extremely engaged, he is doing all sorts of 12 dimensional chess – I mean, did you see what he did to Romney? Look at this. He baited him with Secretary of State, knowing he was never going to give it to him, but got him to say all of this incredible praise, and now he can’t ever be opposition against him again without looking totally schizophrenic.

He is definitely on top of things.

Schumer then quoted a Chinese proverb, “danger is opportunity,” and got real extra schemy looking, and hinted that he has a secret plan to bring down Trump. I don’t think he has a secret plan, or that he can even get his own party to do anything or respect him in any way. The party is in shambles, and it is just a fact now that the only potential leaders they can ever have are charismatic above average intelligence mulatto males – this is an extremely difficult spot to be in.

Schumer closed with claiming that Trump shouldn’t go against the intelligence community because the intelligence community will Jew him. But lo – Trump is going to purge them. He’s obviously going to purge them. There is no question about the coming purge.

Anyway, it was an insightful interviews, watching these two kikes plot against the white race.