Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 17, 2015

The adultery website (often used for picking up hookers) was recently hacked and user data released publicly.
Charles Johnson of has been working with weev to publish the names of government officials who were using Ashley Madison to pick up hookers, often with state-owned equipment while on the clock.
- IDs First Department of Justice Employee on #AshleyMadison
- Here Are Homeland Security’s #AshleyMadison Users…
- Another Department of Justice Official Named In #AshleyMadison Leak
Most recently, GotNews revealed the hooker website account of Bryan Schaaf, who oversees the “refugee health portfolio” for the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.

Following this revelation, Facebook decided to punish Johnson.
Facebook deleted’s account and eliminated its 1500 followers after we published how a top State Department official was on Ashley Madison. It also froze out the personal account of Charles C. Johnson. Johnson’s personal account has since been restored. reported how State Department official Bryan Schaaf was using the adultery website earlier this week. Schaaf oversees the refugee health portfolio for the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration.
His presence on the adultery website is a fireable offense and yet Johnson was suspended for the post on his personal Facebook account as well as on’s Facebook page.
We contacted Katie Harbath, the global lead for politics and government engagement at Facebook. Harbath previously worked for the National Republican Senatorial Committee, according to LinkedIn.
Harbath put us in touch with Don Seymour, who is the US Politics & Government Outreach Manager for Facebook and before that, a long time aid of John Boehner.
Seymour said that an unnamed Facebook official had decided that we violated the very vague “community standards” of Facebook. We asked what those were and Seymour did not return repeated requests for comment. Seymour also didn’t answer why revealing the infidelity of a public official was a violation of those “community standards.”
Seymour, who previously worked for John Boehner, refused to also compensate us for the 1500 followers that previously ‘liked’ though he was apologetic and gave us back our old domain name. You can ‘like’ here.
It is very strange that Facebook would deem exposing a refugee promoter as an adulterer would constitute anti-immigrant hatred.
Also very strange is that Johnson got two people on the phone at Facebook, and both happened to have been former GOP operatives. Presumably, Zuckerberg must hire a lot of GOP people for both people Chuck talked to to have been associated with this political party.