Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
June 6, 2014

The Church of England have invented a new sin called ‘racism’. Never mind the fact that immigration is explicitly linked with a flood coming from the mouth of Satan to overwhelm the Christian Nations in the book of Revelations, or that Rachel prayed that Jacob would marry one of his own kind because otherwise her life would not be worth living, the CofE knows better than the Bible and are going to ban all clergy from being members of the BNP or the NF.

From the Telegraph:
Church of England clergy face being defrocked if they are found to be members of the BNP or National Front after bishops ruled that their views are un-Christian and promote the “sin of racism”.
Incredible how they think they can over-ride God’s commandments and make the desire to preserve his creation into a ‘sin’.
It is the first time Anglican priests have formally been banned from membership of any political party.
Bishops declared the two groups to be “incompatible with the teaching of the Church of England” because of their respective stances on “equality of persons or groups of different races”.
What they are basically saying here is that the teachings of the modern Church of England are entirely incompatible with the teachings of the Bible and our Christian ancestors.
Clergy who defy the ban would be subject to disciplinary procedures under a clause in canon law which requires them to be “wholesome examples and patterns to the flock of Christ” in their public and private lives.
And what would be a wholesome example for the Church of England? Maybe a homosexual race-mixing female with adopted negro-children fathered by IVF preaching White genocide from the pulpit?
It follows a vote in the governing General Synod four years ago calling for the church to adopt a similar policy towards the two groups as police forces already have.
Bishops agreed to impose the ban after legal advice that the Church could not be sued under human rights law for curtailing clerics’ free speech.
Yes, because human rights law only applies to foreigners, sodomites and violent criminals.
A spokesman said that other groups such as the English Defence League are not included because they do not have the same formal structure as the BNP and National Front.
They are not quite so anti-Jew, so we will allow them.

Bishops were swayed by passages in the BNP’s most recent general election manifesto which claimed that “indigenous British people” are becoming a minority because of immigration resulting in the “extinction of the British people, culture, heritage and identity.”
Cant have the people who brought Christianity to the world trying to prevent their own extinction – why, that would be a sin.
They also singled out BNP policies claiming that Britain faces a “Muslim invasion” and “Islamic colonisation”.
The Bible says that when Mohammed’s name is mentioned, Christians should call down a curse on him. So why are the CofE standing up for him?
The bishops were also swayed by passages in the National Front constitution speaking of its aim to “ensure the survival and advancement of the White Race and the British Nation” as well as immigration policies describing Britain as a “white country”.
If they were advocating for the survival and advancement of the Benghal tiger, do you think they would still be banned?
Meanwhile the BNP’s own website describes the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, who was born in Uganda, as an “African invader” and claims that the Church of England is being taken over by “Third World interlopers”.
I think this entirely proves the accuracy of that statement.
A legal explanation issued by the Church of England quotes a passage from St Paul’s letter to the Galatians which insists:
“There is no such thing as Jew and Greek, slave and freeman, male and female, for you are all one person in Christ Jesus.”
So there is no male or female anymore either? The absurdity of using that verse should be apparent to all.

But Simon Darby, former deputy leader of the BNP, claimed that some Anglican clergy are members of the party but refused to name them. He also claimed that the party had members on the General Synod.
He said that the Church of England had abandoned the teaching of the Bible, by accepting gay clergy and had been “hijacked by people who are more interested in neo-marxism”.
“This is more politicisation of the church,” he said.
“These are people that don’t bother teaching the Bible, they are more interested in being politically correct.
“Where is it going to end? Am I, because I am a member of the BNP not going to be buried on church ground?”
He also claimed that parties such as Ukip, which take a stronger line on immigration, could also be banned.
Asked whether he considered the Archbishop of York an “African invader” he said: “I wouldn’t say an invader, it’s a bit strong – invading politically I would say definitely.
“But he is certainly African.”
This just proves that we can no longer look to the established church leaders for guidance, but should be looking to the book which they are ignoring, the book which guided our ancestors and united them against their common foes. The true church is the collective of true believers and all the established ‘churches’ are now run by imposters and apostates. When the choice is between following God’s law or obeying the ‘Church’, only a fool would listen to the Church.