Chutzpah on Parade: Jewish Psychologists March to Overthrow Trump Over “Mental Health”

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
October 15, 2017

Would you take dieting advice from a fat person? Advice on girls from a virgin? Tips on running from a snail?

So why would you let a Jew judge people’s mental health? 40% of Jews carry the gene for Schizophrenia. Representatives of the Jewish community vehemently oppose any population study on their people’s mental health… they already know the answer!

Now a bunch of Jews in New York City have formed a PAC called “Duty to Warn” that is taking to the streets to call for Donald Trump’s removal. None of them have actually sat down to examine Trump – an ethical prerequisite for speaking on a case – but ethics never stopped Jews from abusing their status for a political agenda.

New York Post:

They’re not nuts about Trump.

Some 125 psychologists and other mental health professionals marched along lower Broadway Saturday to demand that President Trump be thrown out of office, based on a constitutional clause allowing presidents to be ousted when their cabinets decide they are ” unable to discharge the powers and duties” of their job.

“We can sense the power of Trump’s underlying fear that he is worthless and weak by how intensely he resists and retaliated against any criticism,” said Harry Segal, a Cornell University psychologist.

“No matter how minor, he can’t let anything go.”

Michelle Golland, also a clinical psychologist, agreed.

“We’re actually suffering from his narcissistic personality,” she said. “He has no empathy. You can feel it, the way he spoke about the San Juan mayor… She has PTSD and our president mistreats her. She is re-victimized. That is a narcissist.”

If the APA was a serious organization, they would stop these Jews from practicing. Both (((Segal))) and (((Golland))) are flaunting the ‘Goldwater Rule’ to libel Trump.

Mental illness is often defined for laymen as the inability to distinguish between right and wrong. Does that sound familiar?

The most violently supremacist tribe to ever walk the face of the earth lectures the loudest about empathy, human rights and tolerance. So is it cognitive dissonance, paranoid schizophrenia, sociopathy, or are they pathological lying psychopaths?

Nobody knows, but we should get psychiatrists to examine the minds of pseudo-scientific (((psychologists))) so we can find out what exactly the hell is wrong with Jews.

But give them credit where it is due. When they want something done, they all play ball. The psychologists, the late night TV producers, the NFL team owners, the Wall Street billionaires, and of course everyone in the Judenpresse.

Are they actively conspiring, or do they just hear the same voices in their heads?