CIA Tells Trump Iran is Trying to Assassinate Him

This is such a goofy story.

This is obviously not real. It’s not real on its face, and all serious people know that.

But Americans are not serious people. They are fat, gay, and retarded.

The Guardian:

US intelligence officials have briefed Donald Trump about a suspected Iranian plot to kill him, his campaign has said.

The briefing, from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI), is believed to have focused on a scheme unrelated to two failed domestic assassination attempts against the Republican nominee for president, and came amid reports suggesting that Iran is conducting an ongoing hack against Trump’s campaign.

Steven Cheung, the Trump campaign’s spokesperson, said the briefing concerned “real and specific threats from Iran to assassinate [Trump] in an effort to destabilize and sow chaos in the United States”.

He added: “Intelligence officials have identified that these continued and coordinated attacks have heightened in the past few months, and law enforcement officials across all agencies are working to ensure President Trump is protected and the election is free from interference.”

The ODNI confirmed to the Guardian on Wednesday morning that the briefing took place.

Intelligence officials were reported to have been tracking an Iranian-backed conspiracy to kill Trump even before the 13 July attempt, which was carried out by a lone gunman, Thomas Crooks, who killed one rally attendee before being killed himself by a Secret Service agent.

Iran has denied plotting to assassinate Trump.

Oh well, they would deny it wouldn’t they?

They’re not going to admit to it.

But they also wouldn’t do it in the first place.