What, now you like diversity? Oh, well, guess what – that’s as racist as not liking diversity!
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 6, 2014

At the University of California, Davis, students who had planned a drinking party entitled “Cinco de Drinko” have cancelled it after being accused of racism by an angry mob of chronically confused protesters.

AP reports:
The party was to be held Saturday ahead of Monday’s Cinco de May holiday that celebrates Mexican heritage. Some students who had organized the party worked at the on-campus Coffee House where Friday’s protest took place.
The Sacramento Bee reported that about 100 students enacted a sit-in at the Coffee House, wearing red shirts and chanting slogans. They called for a boycott of the student-run cafe and cafeteria, successfully scuttling plans for the off-campus party.
They were prompted by a Facebook page created to promote the party. It showed a picture of four male students wearing sombreros while trying to hop a chain-link fence as two female students stand nearby smiling and wearing Border Patrol uniforms, the newspaper said.
“What kind of message are you trying to send?” student Edwin Roque said, calling the party theme offensive.
But Jonathan Beatty also attended the protest wearing a sombrero. He said the theme was not racist, comparing it to St. Patrick’s Day festivities.
“People were being overly sensitive,” Beatty said.
Please note that I am not a supporter of degenerate drunken college hook-up fests in general. But this shows that even something so asinine as is conceivably possible is viewed as a threat by the thought police.