City has First White Murder Victim in 10 Years and Guess Who is the Suspect

Fox Detroit
April 17, 2015

George Hite, seen here with his elderly mother was found strangled to death by a Negro’s hand.

A 65-year-old man is murdered in Trenton for the city’s first homicide in 10 years.

More than a month later, police have a person of interest in the case, Aaron Syndney Marshall.

Marshall, 35, is sitting in Wayne County Jail tonight and may soon be facing charges for the death of George Hite.

The Detroit man was charged Tuesday with lying to a peace officer during a violent crime investigation and with being a habitual offender.

Hite’s niece, Sharon Fox, says the family has desperately been waiting for news on the case.

“I’m glad they are getting closer,” she said. “I hope the family can finally get a little bit of  peace.

“I hope they arrest whoever did it and they rot in jail. That’s where they deserve to be.”

Aaron Marshall, a habitual criminal is the prime suspect.

On March 11, Hite was found strangled to death inside his Trenton condo he shared with his elderly mother.

Police, reluctant to connect all of the dots, as they work to put their case together. But they say Hite met Marshall – an ex-con with a long history of brushes with the law, at the casino.

“He went there for fun after he retired from Great Lakes Steel,” Fox said. “He went there once a month to get out, to get away.”

Police believe there are more people involved, but the relationship Hite made with Marshall at the casino possibly cost him his life.

There was no forced entry into the condo, which means Hite let his killers in. There they strangled him with a belt and left him for dead.

“Must have been something,” Fox said. “He must have won and somebody followed him home. Instead of just asking for the money, kills him for nothing.”

A motive is still unclear, but police believe women may also be involved.