Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 1, 2014

Justice Department investigators have pretty well concluded that it is impossible to bring the law down on Darren Wilson, the Washington Post has reported. Though it is yet to be officially announced, there is virtually no chance that the White officer will be charged with violating a gigantic Black terrorist’s “civil rights” when he put him down. This indicates that despite comprehensive attempts to Jew-over all of our systems, our justice system is still in tact.
After the August 9th shooting of the violent Black cigar thief by Hero Darren, the absurd Black Attorney General Eric “Nigga, I be Holdin” Holder traveled to Ferguson to incite the Blacks to riot and declare he would punish the White officer for defending himself against the violent Black criminal.
But alas. America is still America and a police officer is allowed to defend himself against a violent attacker, even if he’s Black.

“The evidence at this point does not support civil rights charges against Officer Wilson,” an anonymous source close to the case told the post.
Clearly, this is going to be difficult to announce, as there is at last a 40% chance it will result in open race war on the streets of America. So the department is procrastinating, apparently trying to figure out a way to let the Black mob in down lightly, even though it is obvious no such way exists.
Officials whined about the Post publishing this report, saying that it is not yet a done deal. But it obviously is. The autopsy proved it nearly two weeks ago. You can’t prosecute a police officer under federal Black rights legislation for shooting a Black who was trying to murder him. No matter how badly it hurts the feelings of Black people, collectively, that is the reality.
The Black-run Justice Department is still in the process of systematically harassing the Ferguson Police Department, following their conspiracy theory that the entire organization was involved in a massive plot to hurt Black people’s feelings. But that will likely end as soon as the charges are dropped against Hero Darren.
Holder recently came out and spoke against the release of the autopsy report which proved Wilson didn’t kill the violent cigar thief on purpose for no reason as Holder and all other Black people had claimed. Facts generally tend to be racist, so it is in the interests of Blacks to silence any attempt to publish any and all factual information.
I hope they go ahead and announce no charges sooner rather than later. I am anxious to get this show started.