Civilized Negroes: Uganda Arrests Dumb Whore Over Nude Selfies

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 11, 2018

There was a time when the West was civilized, and pornography was outlawed.

That time is over and now Ugandan jungle Negroes are more civilized than we are.

Daily Mail:

A model and socialite from Uganda was blackmailed for $3,000 (£2,300) when someone stole her nude selfies and threatened to publish them online.

Judith Heard, 32, refused to pay and her photos were leaked without her consent in 2013.

But in May this year, the nude photos of her began to circulate online again only this time she was arrested under Uganda’s Anti-Pornography Act.

Despite revenge porn being illegal in the UK, the Uganda act criminalises the production and circulation of ‘pornographic material’.

She claims the photos came from a stolen phone or computer and insists she never sent them to anyone.


Obviously the dumb bitch is lying and circulated the pictures on purpose to promote her brand.

Even if she isn’t, she deserves to be punished simply for taking the pictures. And then for being so stupid as to allow them to somehow be “stolen.”

In other “Africa is more civilized than you” news, Tunisia (not black but still Africa) is doing anal tests on faggots and putting them in prison for doing buttstuff.

Daily Mail:

Tunisia is forcing men suspected of being gay to undergo anal tests, a human rights group has claimed.

In some cases, officials have also confiscated and searched phones in a bid to put pressure on men to ‘confess’ to homosexual activity, according to Human Rights Watch.

Prosecutors then use the information to pursue even consenting partners for homosexual acts under Tunisia’s harsh sodomy laws which can result in jail terms of up to three years, the rights group said.

It should be a deep source of shame that some of the most primitive races on the planet are more civilized than we are.

And it should be a wake-up call as to why our society is going in the direction it is going in.

We have long been rotted out on the inside, and now this rot is coming through to the skin.