Clarification on Religious Flame Wars on the Forum

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 1, 2016

Yesterday, I made a post announcing some changes on the forum, and some people were triggered by the ban of religious flame war threads.

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It was pointed out that the language was vague. I should have been more clear.

What I am banning is religious flame war threads. People create these threads, saying something like “the White race must drop Christianity if they wish to survive” or “the White race will never survive without Christianity” or “Jesus was a Jew” or whatever. These threads are specifically designed to create conflict, being people like it. Then it triggers people.

Just because you can have a normal discussion and walk away from it without throwing an emotional fit does not mean that everyone on this website can do that.

This isn’t a banning of all mention of religion, it isn’t even a banning on any speech, it is specifically a ban on bait threads designed to create flame wars.

Probably, I should have just said “I’m banning bait threads designed to cause flame wars” instead of “religious threads.” But the fact is, almost all bait threads are religious threads.

What happens – and you all don’t understand this like I do, probably – people get into a flame war thread, then see the person they had the flame war with in another thread and start into it again with them.

If having religious arguments is important to you, you are welcome to leave. But I won’t allow the forums to be destroyed by random anonymous posters obsessed with spam arguments.