Climate Change Causes Greatest Humanitarian Crisis in Modern History

Lauritz Von Guildhausen
Daily Stormer
Juy 19, 2017

Climate Change, that most deadly of phenomena, is at it again! This time it is starving literally millions of niggers to death.

According to numbers released by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).


More than 30 million people in northeastern Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia and Yemen are experiencing severe food insecurity, of whom 20 million are at immediate risk. Continued violence in all four countries is compounding decades of under-investment in agriculture, leading to a potential catastrophe if humanitarian corridors are not opened up quickly, and aid is not increased rapidly, to prevent millions from dying of hunger. The UN has issued an urgent appeal for US$4.9 billion by July for life-saving assistance in the key areas of food security, health, nutrition, and water, sanitation and hygiene, but so far, only $1.9 billion has been received.

So in other words, $3 billion dollars short of saving these poor victims of our environmental colonialism. You see, this is actually your fault because all those nice things that you have are actually causing a proliferation of draughts and conflicts, which destroys crops, kills animals and makes aid hard to deliver. Therefore, you must dispossess yourself of your wealth, give generously to the UN oh, and stop having babies, otherwise it won’t rain in Africa.

Unmentioned anywhere in any report is the word ‘overpopulation.’ In a region where half the people are classified as nomadic and semi-nomadic, a TRIPLED population in 40 years just isn’t going to cause any upkeep problems for the agricultural sector.

Picture related, this is what sustainable and environmentally friendly population growth looks like.

Furthermore, I’m sure that this population growth isn’t going to contribute to carbon emissions whatsoever. Climate change is a White people thing after all, so telling them to maybe try not having 7-8 children would be racist.

Nothing to see here. I’m sure the world can handle 400 million Nigerians, just ask Anglin!

I am going to make a wild prediction. I think we are going to see more of these “worst humanitarian crises of all time.” In fact, a man named Thomas Malthus saw it coming as well. If things continue as they are right now then we are going to face such a collapse that the universe will shake and mankind will stand back in stupefaction. It is going to be hilarious.