Clinton Banned White People from Hoax Press Conference

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 6, 2016


Do you want to fight and die for a nasty grandma?

This is perfect.

Clinton held her first “press conference” in 244 days yesterday – and banned Whites!

And even the liberal Jew media is saying this wasn’t a real press conference.

Huffington Post:

Hillary Clinton fielded questions Friday from two journalists serving as moderators at a joint gathering of the National Association of Black Journalists and National Association of Hispanic Journalists. The Democratic nominee then took questions from three additional journalists at the event.

The Clinton campaign suggested the event was a press conference. Several reporters covering Clinton’s candidacy said otherwise.

Why anyone would debate what, officially, constitutes a press conference stems from a long-running rift between the Clinton press corps and the campaign over the candidate’s accessibility. Clinton had not held a press conference since Dec. 4, 2015, in Fort Dodge, Iowa ― or 244 days ago ― and reporters have frequently highlighted this drought on Twitter.

So when NABJ President Sarah Glover introduced Clinton on Friday as speaking before the “largest press conference with any presidential candidate before a room filled with journalists of color,” several Clinton reporters took issue with that designation.

When asked by The Huffington Post if the campaign considered the event to be a press conference, Fallon emailed, “The president of the organization called it that, and I am not sure what else you could call it.”

Following the event’s conclusion, NAHJ president Mekahlo Medina described it as a “press event” to HuffPost.

The debate seems to be over whether an event with five pre-selected journalists amounts to a press conference, or if a press conference requires a more freewheeling exchange between the candidate and members of the campaign press corps.

“What happened today is Hillary Clinton took questions from members of the media,” Medina said. “I don’t know if people want to call that a press conference or not, but that’s what happened.”

This bitch is such a mess.

She started out the press conference by giving a speech.

Look at this – the spic and Negroid journalists were cheering her speech and answers to the scripted questions.

One of the five Blacks asked her “what is the most meaningful conversation you’ve ever head with an African American friend?”

Seriously. That happened.

That is what they are calling a press conference.

Is she planning to spend her entire Presidency hiding from everyone? Scurrying around in the shadows like a rat or a Jew? How can someone be President if they are unwilling to talk to the media, unwilling to even show their face in public unless every detail of the event is choreographed?