Clinton Media Collusion and the New York Times Anti-Trump Hoax

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 13, 2016

So, Clinton has got caught – again – coordinating with the Jewish/kike media to push her agenda.

Fox News:

The ongoing WikiLeaks dump of a top Hillary Clinton lieutenant’s emails is shining a light on the cozy and often improper relationship key members of the press had with the Democratic presidential nominee’s campaign.

Advance notice of debate questions, the promise of positive coverage, and even editorial control over stories are among the eyebrow-raising revelations in emails to and from campaign chairman John Podesta.

“We have had her tee up stories for us before and have never been disappointed,” a January 2015 memo said of former Politico and current New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman.

Clinton campaign officials have not denied the authenticity of the emails, but have sought to blame Russia for supplying the hacked correspondence to the hacktivist group WikiLeaks, and have warned that they could be doctored.

In another case, Donna Brazile, then a CNN contributor but now acting head of the Democratic National Committee, emailed members of the Clinton campaign to tip them off about a question that would be asked at Clinton’s debate with Bernie Sanders, her rival for the Democratic presidential nomination.

“From time to time I get the questions in advance,” read the subject line of an alleged email in which Brazile told members of the Clinton campaign to be ready for a question on the death penalty.

In a statement released Tuesday afternoon, Brazile denied leaking questions.

“I often shared my thoughts with each and every campaign, and any suggestions that indicate otherwise are completely untrue,” Brazile said. “I never had access to questions and would never have shared them with the candidates if I did.”

CNBC correspondent and New York Times contributor John Harwood, who served as a moderator in one of the Republican primary debates, emailed Podesta numerous times, on some occasions to request an interview and other times to offer advice.


jew head

New York Times.

“Ben Carson could give you real trouble in a general [election],” Harwood wrote in a May 8, 2015, email, before linking to video clips of an interview Harwood did with the former pediatric neurosurgeon.

Another New York Times reporter, Mark Leibovich, emailed Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri several chunks of an interview he did with Clinton, and seemingly asked permission for the “option to use the following” portions.

Palmieri offered extensive editing suggestions, including that he cut a reference Clinton made to Sarah Palin and remove Clinton’s quote, “And gay rights has moved much faster than women’s rights or civil rights, which is an interesting phenomenon.”

Palmieri ended one email: “Pleasure doing business!”

In one email thread, Clinton traveling press secretary Nick Merrill joked that CNN Politics Producer Dan Merica and Clinton were “basically courting each other at this point.”

A top staffer at The Boston Globe appeared to be conspiring with Clinton’s campaign to maximize her “presence” during her primary race against Sanders in one of the alleged emails. In the email from Marjorie Pritchard, the Globe’s op-ed editor, Podesta is asked if the Clinton campaign was still set to submit an op-ed. Pritchard went on to offer advice about how the campaign could get maximum benefit by syncing up with the Globe’s regular reporting.

“It would be good to get it in on Tuesday, when she is in New Hampshire,” Pritchard wrote. “That would give her a big presence on Tuesday with the piece and on Wednesday with the news story. Please let me know.”

Clinton aide Christina Reynolds is congratulated in a 2008 email for “single handedly” convincing a Washington Post reporter to pursue a story about Cindy McCain, Arizona Sen. John McCain’s wife. Democratic operative Paul Begala wrote back, “This is truly outstanding! Great work!”

I want to say “unbelievable,” but the thing is, this is all exactly what you would expect to be happening.

Hillary Clinton is so absolutely corrupt that it is like some kind of sick joke.

It is every single angle.

I truly believe that when Trump says “she is the most corrupt politician in the history of politics,” he is absolutely, 100% correct. I would take it a step further and say she is the most corrupt figure in the history of structured human organizational systems.

I keep meaning to make a list of all of this corruption, but it is impossible to even know where to start. It would make more sense to make a list of things she hasn’t done.


Anyway, the same day this news is breaking about her collusion with the media – remember, this same behavior was also in the DNC leaks months ago – the New York Times comes out with this bizarre and completely made-up attack on Trump, accusing him of sex crimes.

Like wow just wow I can’t even.

Trump is threatening to sue.

Fox News:

Four women accused Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump of sexual assault on Wednesday in a series of reports, adding to the already damaging revelations about his suggestive comments about women.

Trump’s campaign dismissed the allegations as having no merit or veracity, and it attacked The New York Times, accusing the media outlet of having a vendetta. In a letter from his attorneys Thursday, Trump demanded The New York Times retract what it called a “libelous article” and apologize.

“For The New York Times to launch a completely false, coordinated character assassination against Mr. Trump on a topic like this is dangerous,” Jason Miller, Trump’s campaign spokesman, said in a separate statement. “To reach back decades in an attempt to smear Mr. Trump trivializes sexual assault, and it sets a new low for where the media is willing to go in its efforts to determine this election.”

In a story published Wednesday evening, The New York Times says 74-year-old Jessica Leeds of New York told the paper that Trump groped her on a flight more than 30 years ago. Leeds says Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt.

“He was like an octopus,” Leeds says. “His hands were everywhere … It was an assault.”

In the same story, Rachel Crooks tells the paper that the real estate developer “kissed me directly on the mouth” after she introduced herself to him outside a Trump Tower elevator in 2005.

“It was so inappropriate,” Crooks tells the paper. “I was so upset that he thought I was so insignificant that he could do that.”

Also Wednesday night, the Palm Beach Post published claims by a Florida woman that Trump had groped her during a concert at his Mar-a-Lago estate in January 2003. The woman, 36-year-old Mindy McGillivray told the paper that she “chose to stay quiet” and did not report the incident to authorities.

Trump press secretary Hope Hicks told the Post that there was “no truth” to McGillivray’s allegation, adding “this allegation lacks any merit or veracity.”

Additionally, PEOPLE Magazine writer Natasha Stoynoff published a story late Wednesday detailing her own encounter with Trump in 2005 when she went to interview Donald and Melania in Mar-a-Lago.

Stoynoff says that Trump showed her one “tremendous” room and allegedly pinned her against the wall and “forcing his tongue down my throat.”

A Trump spokeswoman told PEOPLE, “This never happened. There is no merit or veracity to this fabricated story.”

This sick mutant fishfaced slut wishes that happened.


This is just open and transparent falsification of news for a political agenda.

Because Hillary Clinton – the most corrupt human being in history – does not exist in a vacuum. She is a functionary of the most corrupt system in history, which is Jewish-run Democracy.

These people all need to be rounded-up and put in camps.

No joke.

But we’re going to laugh when it happens.
