Clinton to Release More Fake Medical Information Later This Week

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 12, 2016

hillary seizure

Pneumonia extreme: Now causing SEIZURES!

After releasing fake information about pneumonia, the Clinton campaign has vowed to release more fake information later this week, in order to ensure the stupid goyim that she isn’t obviously going to die very soon.

Washington Post:

Hillary Clinton’s campaign will release additional medical records this week, a campaign aide said, bowing to growing criticism about how the campaign handled news of her pneumonia diagnosis.

“We’re going to be releasing additional medical information,” Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said on MSNBC on Monday.

The decision to make additional disclosures came as the campaign has come under a new round of scrutiny for a lack of transparency following Clinton’s abrupt, stumbling departure from a commemoration Sunday of the 15th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Democrats and Republicans criticized Clinton for leaving the public and the media in the dark for much of the day, feeding rumors about Clinton’s health and fueling the perception that she is unnecessarily secretive.

Aides acknowledged Monday that the campaign should have handled news of Clinton’s dizzy spell and pneumonia diagnosis differently.

We could have done better yesterday, but it is a fact that the public knows more about HRC than any nominee in history,” wrote Clinton communications director Jennifer Palmieri on Twitter in response to the criticism, using the initials of the Democratic presidential nominee.

For more than six hours after the incident, the campaign did not reveal the diagnosis, which had come on Friday, and left a group of reporters traveling with the campaign behind and in the dark.


They were frantically checking with medical professionals to formulate the most plausible hoax diagnosis which wouldn’t necessarily mean she was ready to die. Otherwise they would have immediately said “oh no, it’s just pneumonia, she’ll be fine, don’t worry, stupid goyim pigs.”

Interestingly, this speaks to how poorly the campaign is being managed. If Hillary was a capable manager, she would have prepared for the contingency of a public medical crisis, and had the excuse handy. She would also have given a trusted official – Huma? – the authority to speak on her behalf in the case of this sort of crisis, when she is incapacitated.

Pneumonia is an obvious hoax explanation. Someone should have said this within 20 minutes of her leaving the event/collapsing.

But she is an obsessive, paranoid, micro-managing control freak (like all “empowered” women), and so hasn’t awarded anyone that authority. So her staff had to wait for her to figure things out and give the go-ahead.

If this had happened to Trump – and it wouldn’t have, because Trump is healthy and not a tricky scumbag, but if something similar had happened – one of his sons would have been on TV immediately, assuring people that all was well.

You have to have people that you trust 100% who are able to act for you when you can’t. Not simply in the case of a medical emergency – there are a lot of times when something like this can come up, a medical emergency is just the most extreme case.

It is just a basic rule of management.

On Monday morning, President Obama’s former campaign strategist David Axelrod gave voice to Democrats’ concerns that the campaign had erred on the side of secrecy rather than transparency, further playing into a perception among voters that Clinton is untrustworthy.

“Antibiotics can take care of pneumonia,” Axelrod wrote. “What’s the cure for an unhealthy penchant for privacy that repeatedly creates unnecessary problems?”

Axelrod is a top Jew.

Hillary may well be getting thrown under the bus here, people.

The next week is going to be extremely interesting.

I think they might really put Biden in. Like, there’s probably a 40% chance of that happening. Axelrod is certainly pushing for that by saying this.

Fallon noted in the MSNBC interview that Clinton was “dead-set” on attending the memorial service — and kept to her full schedule on Friday, the day of the diagnosis, but he, too, acknowledged that more information should have been forthcoming.

He explained that Clinton was “alert the whole time” after she was assisted into her motorcade van at Ground Zero, where she left abruptly after overheating and getting “a bit dizzy.”

“In those 90 minutes, that elapsed, we could have gotten more information out more quickly,” he said.

You could have if either

a) Clinton was actually “alert,” or

b) she was a responsible enough manager to award someone the authority to speak for her.

But neither of those things was true.

Clinton was first diagnosed with pneumonia by her doctor, Lisa Bardack, who on Friday prescribed medication and advised Clinton to rest and modify her schedule.

Clinton’s schedule on Friday showed no signs of her slowing down, and the campaign did not disclose that she had been diagnosed with a serious though treatable illness.

Clinton held a meeting with a bipartisan group of national security figures and addressed the media afterward, all by holding back a persistent cough. Later that night, Clinton appeared at an LGBT fundraiser in Manhattan with Barbara Streisand. It was at that event where Clinton made her controversial remark that half of Republican Donald Trump’s supporters are in a “basket of deplorables.”

She insulted the Alt-Right.

She denied KEK, and so felt his wrath.


For it is written.

No man or gross old granny can stand against him.

At the memorial service Sunday morning, Clinton became overheated and dehydrated, according to the campaign. Video footage appeared to show her buckling as she was helped into a waiting van by her security detail.

The word is COLLAPSING: C-O-L-L-A-P-S-I-N-G.


On 911.

Because meme magic is real.

kek our lord

She is now canceling all her events.

The game is over.

KEK brought her down like the Jews brought down those towers, so that the world will know of his power, should any kike dare go against him.

For as was prophesied in the ancient Egyptian tablets and the sacred Illuminati card game, he hath returned, in all of his might and glory, to save his people.

White people.

