Clinton’s Speech

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 29, 2016

Just posting this because it is obviously a major news story. It’s not especially interesting.

I read the transcript. It’s just a bunch more of the same emotional nonsense. I still don’t even understand what her stated agenda is (I know what her actual agenda is, because I’ve looked at her financial backers).

She is saying both that she’s the same thing as Barack Obama and that she’s going to change things.

I guess she’s just saying she’s going to continue the hardcore Marxist/globalist revolution that Obama began?

She definitely supports killing cops, free trade and war with Russia.

Last night was nutty though.

Katy Perry was there.

This woman with Down Syndrome cried.


Probably, they paid her to come sit in the audience then told her her doggie just got ran over by a car.