Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 23, 2015

He is a genius. He deserves recognition for his great work unscrewing a clock, putting it inside of a metal case and making it look like a bomb, then bringing it to school.
On Monday, Ahmed Mohamed, the freshman from MacArthur High School in Texas who was arrested after bringing a clock that looked like a bomb to school, was feted at the science fair at the Google campus in Mountain View.
After the story broke, Google’s science fair had tweeted “we’re saving a seat for you” to the teenager, according to CBS San Francisco. Mohamed joined others at the fair to view the 20 projects from finalists at the fair, and went to the awards ceremony.
Google’s Brand Marketing Lead Miriam Schneider gushed, “I think it just makes us glad that he’s having a good time, and that he can be with kids that are interested in the same things that he is. And, these young scientists that are really going to change our future.”
The future belongs to Moslems who unscrew clocks to make them look like bombs, then bring them to school.
One teacher attending the fair echoed, “I’m a teacher and that is the kind of kid you want in your class, right? That kid that is inspired, that wants to go out and do lots of cool things.”
Fake bombs are the kinds of things you want in your class. Ticking in metal cases.
Mohamed also was invited to the Google barbecue. In October, he will visit the White House, courtesy of an invitation from President Barack Obama.