Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince Admits He Banned Daily Stormer Because Jews

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
September 27, 2017

Not one person bought Matthew Prince’s claim that he helped destroy the principle of net neutrality forever simply because he was in a “bad mood.”

His various op-eds and interviews given after succumbing to demands by Israeli hackers to stop protecting The Daily Stormer’s legal speech from cyber terrorism revealed a conflicted man with a guilty conscience.

Now it seems he is finally opening about what really happened: he’s planning to get rich quick on (((Wall Street))) and is deathly afraid speculators will sink his future IPO.

His new internet philosophy? A bunch of armpit-stained Jewish stock brokers get the veto!


The CEO who pulled the final plug on the neo-Nazi web site Daily Stormer said he removed it from his company’s Internet service to protect his firm’s business in the run-up to a potential initial public offering (IPO).

“We were worried that people would say, ‘We won’t work with you anymore,'” Cloudflare CEO Matthew Prince told CNBC.

“We had to have the conversation now because at some point we’ll be a public company. We had to prompt that discussion,” said Prince, who added “we want to be ready internally by July 2018,” for a possible stock offering.

Cloudflare now has more than 500 workers and plans to have at least 600 by the end of 2017, said Prince, who declined to share business details such as revenue or the company’s growth rate.

Cloudflare offers services that make companies’ web sites faster and more reliable. In the case of Daily Stormer, Cloudflare was providing a service that made it harder for attackers to take it offline with what’s known as a denial-of-service attack, where a web site is flooded with fake requests.

That’s because Cloudflare had a policy, stated on its own website, that it would not terminate a customer or take down content “due to political pressure.”

The stance in favor of free speech put the company in the crosshairs of those who said it was being sympathetic to violent, right-wing groups.

“We were stuck. We had this problem, [and] were very alone,” Prince told CNBC, as he sat on the rooftop of his company’s headquarters in San Francisco during the company’s annual Internet Summit in September.

But then comments from others forced the hand of Prince, who co-founded the company with COO Michelle Zatlyn in mid-2009.

First, another CEO “whom I admire,” Prince said, tweeted that Cloudlare should boot the Daily Stormer off its services, as its rivals had done.

Prince called up the fellow executive, whom he declined to name, and during the discussion, this person made a “thoughtful, rational argument.”

Who are these groups knocking on their door day and night demanding to know why they protect “ring-wing groups” from Israeli cyber terrorism?

Who is the CEO telling him to the pull the plug or risk attacks on his company’s stock?

Who? WHO?

All Prince has to do to save the First Amendment is publish the letters, give us the names, detail the corporate collusion. There is stuff going on behind the scenes in Silicon Valley that is probably illegal.

Instead he chooses to violate his company’s own policy in hopes of making lots of easy money.

These scumbags need to be exposed as the primary force behind the rapid erosion of free speech in America. If what is happening to Andrew Anglin was happening to an Iranian dissident, every “human rights” group on earth would be complaining loudly.

Jewish money and Gentile’s who prostitute themselves are the two greatest evils responsible for the collapse of Western civilization.

Protocol VII articulates it well:

“The intensification of armaments, the increase of police forces – are all essential for the completion of the aforementioned plans. What we have to get at is that there should be in all the States of the world, besides ourselves, only the masses of the proletariat, a few millionaires devoted to our interests, police and soldiers.”

Sound familiar? They want their borderless, raceless, genderless and cultureless slave state, and if they’re not stopped soon they will get it!

[Editor’s Note: How amazing is it that these money Jews only wanted one single site banned? Every other “racist anti-Semitic neo-Nazi White Supremacist hate site” is also protected by Cloudflare, and we’re the only ones that got kicked off. What does that tell you? Hopefully it tells you that we’re the ones you should be donating to and keeping online. We’ve now got a credit card option.]