Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 29, 2015
The #CNBCGOPDebate poll closed with #Trump2016 declared the official winner. Thank you!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2015
Thank you! #GOPDebate MakeAmericaGreatAgain
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 29, 2015
I haven’t gotten a chance to watch the full debate, but have watched some Trump clips. Looks like everything went well, until there was an issue on Zuckerberg. I think maybe he forgot who Zuckerberg was.
QUICK: Mr. Trump, let’s stay on this issue of immigration. You have been very critical of Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook who has wanted to increase the number of these H1Bs.
TRUMP: I was not at all critical of him. I was not at all. In fact, frankly, he’s complaining about the fact that we’re losing some of the most talented people. They go to Harvard. They go to Yale. They go to Princeton. They come from another country and they’re immediately sent out.
I am all in favor of keeping these talented people here so they can go to work in Silicon Valley.
That’s being pointed out as the slip-up. But he isn’t even talking about the same issue the moderator asked about – there is an issue with East Asians coming over and going to college (often subsidized by American taxpayers) and then returning to their own countries, but the H1-B visas are mainly for Indians and Pakis who replace American workers. So, I guess it is a slip-up, but not a huge one.
Jeb attempted to draw media attention by doing something stupid and gay again – wearing cowboy boots with his name on them.
Got my debating boots on! #GOPDebate
— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) October 29, 2015
Worked to draw media attention, as people were like “wtf is this guy autistic why?”
The autism then intensified when Jeb began insulting the French for some reason.
French Work Week vs. Real Accomplishments. #GOPDebate
— Jeb Bush (@JebBush) October 29, 2015
Maybe he thinks Marco is French? Cuba was at one point a French colony…
The funniest thing was Lindsey Graham, who is still in this debate for some unclear reason. Google was keeping track of the numbers of people getting Googled during the debate, and the highest was Lindsey when he talked about his family.
This is obviously because people think he’s a homo. He has never been married, and there is no evidence he’s ever even had a girlfriend. Not even the Donald can compete with some “wow is this dude gay?” drama.
Lindsey has also said he would be happy to embrace Bruce Jenner, which many people thought was an indication he’s a homo.

The other drama was the CNBC moderators getting in fights with candidates, which they obviously did on purpose to create drama, because that is how politics in America work. At one point, The Donald was asked by John Harwood about being a comic book character, which appeared to be a soft Bane reference. I think they could have gone full Bane-posting, i.e. “what’s the next step in your master plan?”
Here’s the full 4 hour debate.