Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 28, 2015

Though the Stormer Troll Army regularly gets mentions in mainstream media, CNN is the first to put our actual name – “Troll Army” – in a headline.
Take a bow, Stormers. A grand spectacle thou hath created.
Our operation was launched earlier this month in response to the arrest of an ethnically Australian woman who allegedly hurt Miriam’s feelings by saying something mean to her on the internet, something which few people knew about as the Jew media of Australia did not make it a focal point, did not invite the Australian people to discuss whether
All of the mainstream media coverage we’ve received means that we have gotten the issue into the public light, and given the people of Australia the opportunity to think about whether or not hurting someone’s feelings on the internet should be an imprisonable offense.
Given that the whole spectacle began with Miriam demanding a t-shirt which hurt her feelings be removed from shelves, we have also brought light to the fact that people who come to Australia from foreign lands for the purpose of “having a better life” (read: parasiting off the labor of generations of hard-working White Australians) believe they have the right not only to slaughter Australians in chocolate shops, but also to dictate what they wear.
By pushing this into the light, we are also forcing Miriam and her allies to show just how viciously they will defend their right to rule over the Australian people.
Bottom line: mission accomplished.

The article vilifies us, of course, and accuses us of making threats against Miriam Veiszadeh, even though these threats were obviously made by her against herself, as we expressly commanded no such threats be made.
Of the thousands of insulting messages sent to the insolent Moslem invader, only three contained threats – but these are of course what is focused on. While mentioning our having instructed people not to make threats, they do not bother to mention our claims that she almost certainly sent the threats to herself.
They also do not mention the utter idiocy of taking internet threats seriously, given that it isn’t exactly typical to send someone a warning on the internet before you come after them.
“The reality is people don’t abuse me just because I’m a woman or because my name is Mariam or because I’m Middle-Eastern. They abuse me because I have a scarf on my head and because I’m a Muslim,” Veiszadeh told CNN. And this is partially true – the main issue is that she is attempting to force an alien value system on the people. But if she wasn’t of a foreign race, she wouldn’t be doing this. Australia saw a large number of Italians immigrate to the country decades ago, and none of them began demanding that Australians change their value system to make them feel comfortable – they were grateful for the opportunity they’d been given.
This Moslem wench is the epitome of ungratefulness.
This is where she came from:

Yet instead of being like “wow, thank you for bringing me out of one of the poorest countries in the world into your rich and developed nation,” she begins demanding that the entire society change to make her feel more comfortable.
Before she demanded that a t-shirt she didn’t like be remove from shelves at Woolworth’s, she had launched a campaign to normalize the primitive and bizarre rag-head “hijab” fashion she is fond of. So she begins by saying “you as Australians must learn to accept the way I dress” before moving into “you Australians must change the way you dress in order to make me feel comfortable.”

What is very interesting is that CNN frames this in terms of a “battle.” And a battle it is – a battle for public opinion.
We are forcing a discussion. Do the Australian people think that a woman should be able to come to their country from a foreign land, start making decisions about what people are allowed to wear on their t-shirts, and then have people arrested for allegedly hurting her feelings on the internet?
Before our operation, it was simply taken for granted that yes, hostile aliens should be able to enter the country and be given unlimited capacity to force their will upon the local population. Now, we are having a discussion about it.
More victories on the horizon still, Stormers! Continue the fight!
If you would like to see more mainstream news stories about your racist selves, please continue to flood Miriam’s Twitter page with unlimited insults. And once again – no threats of any kind, nothing which can even be construed as a threat.
CNN claims we only tell people not to make threats because we don’t want to get arrested or have our site shut down by the government, but in reality, I am against illegal actions and I am opposed to violence. We simply support free speech, and believe that Australians have a right to make their own decisions about the way their country is run.
Hail Victory.