Daily Stormer
July 19, 2014

These Jews are under attack from all sides – first it’s Gary Oldman, then it is Palestinian babies and now it’s CNN itself.

CNN’s International correspondent Diana Magnay has been removed from covering the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after she branded a group of Israelis ‘scum’ on Thursday.
Magnay had taken to Twitter to express her fury after a group of whooping Israelis watching missile strikes ‘threatened to destroy’ her team’s car if the British reporter used negative language.
Almost as soon as she posted the controversial comment, she deleted it – but not before it was retweeted more than 200 times. CNN said it has now assigned her to Moscow.
A CNN spokeswoman said in a statement to The Huffington Post that Magnay had reacted on Twitter after being threatened and harassed by the group before filming.
‘She deeply regrets the language used, which was aimed directly at those who had been targeting our crew,’ the statement said. ‘She certainly meant no offense to anyone beyond that group, and she and CNN apologize for any offense that may have been taken.’
Earlier, during her live report, the braying Israelis on the hill could be heard as Magnay described the scene from the border overlooking Gaza.
Is there no quarter for the Chosen People, who have been victimized all throughout history for no explainable reason?
Do they not have a right to defend themselves against babies who want them dead because of an unclear form of racial hatred?
Magnay has been moved to Moscow.