CNN Feminist Defends Greasy Paki Pervert Aziz Ansari

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 17, 2018

I don’t know what the angle here is.

The whole thing has gotten so convoluted.

Huffington Post:

A woman’s disputed claim of being sexually assaulted by comedian Aziz Ansari has generated criticism from some media outlets.

HLN’s Ashleigh Banfield delivered an angry open letter to the unnamed accuser on Monday, saying that the description of events sounded merely like a bad date that the woman could have ended by leaving. Banfield also said that the “reckless” public allegation made by the woman compromised the #MeToo movement to combat sexual misconduct.

“So I have to ask you: What exactly was your beef?” Banfield said. “That you had a bad date with Aziz Ansari? Is that what victimized you to the point of seeking a public conviction and a career-ending sentence against him? Is that what you truly think he deserved for your night out?”

“What you have done, in my opinion, is appalling,” the anchor continued. “You went to the press with a story of a bad date and you have potentially destroyed this man’s career over it.”

Banfield said the woman’s account “chiseled away” at the #MeToo movement’s efforts to combat sexual misconduct.

Other opposing voices joined in through prominent media outlets. Caitlin Flanagan wrote in The Atlantic that the actor did not deserve to be “destroyed” and that the article was “3,000 words of revenge porn” intended “to hurt and humiliate Ansari.”

The headline for a New York Times Op-Ed piece read: “Aziz Ansari Is Guilty. Of Not Being A Mind Reader.” The article, written by a Times opinion section editor, Bari Weiss, said, “There is a useful term for what [the woman] experienced on her night with Mr. Ansari. It’s called ‘bad sex.’ It sucks.”

Banfield is saying “go to the cops,” but one of their memes is that women can’t go to the cops because they’re too traumatized.

Also, one of the memes is that everything a woman says is sexual assault is sexual assault, by definition, as it is the woman’s feelings that define the experience.

Obviously, this is insane. In the article, all that the bitch describes is, as Ashley says, a bad date where she made the decision to not get up and leave even though she allegedly felt uncomfortable.

But all of these claims, from the beginning, have been insane. All that Harvey Weinstein was effectively accused of is paying money for sex. There were a few “rape” claims, but even those don’t appear to have actually been “rape” as it is traditionally defined.

The entire #metoo movement is just a hoax. There are some real damning things coming out of it, but they are getting buried. Eliza Dushku’s claim that she was molested at 12-years-old by a Hollywood stunt coordinator (who I believe is Jewish) is buried by this “bad date” Aziz Ansari story.

When I was 12 years old, while filming “True Lies”, I was sexually molested by Joel Kramer, one of Hollywood’s leading…

Posted by Eliza Dushku on Samstag, 13. Januar 2018

They have continually buried stories of child abuse with goofy shit.

The element of this that is interesting is that the Jews understand that this is going off of the rails, and that it will lead to the entire Jew media empire being torn down if it is allowed to keep going. At the same time, other Jews are believing their own feminist hoax, and thus propelling the whole thing.

Which contingent is responsible for the Jewish backlash against the Aziz Ansari claims?

I can’t tell.

I am obviously on the “burn the whole thing down, sluts” side – that is, I am a devout metooer – but I can’t say whether or not the Ansari claims will harm the movement.

There are two possibilities:

  • He goes down for this and it ups the standard of who can be taken down for what, meaning a bunch more people get taken down because a girl was just like “he made me feel uncomfortable,” or
  • This destroys the metoo movement as everyone stops taking these whores seriously

I think the former is much more likely than the latter. I don’t really think anything can stop metooism at this point, and thus I support all accusers no matter what their claim is.

And I think the Jews probably understand that this can’t be stopped, so breaking ranks and attacking someone for accusing someone of “sexual assault” for making them feel uncomfortable is presumably an attempt to scale back the scope of the movement to stop more Jews and liberals from getting taken down.

However, there is also the fact that this guy is a Paki, so they are defending him on those grounds as well.

But it doesn’t really matter. There are no brakes on this train.