CNN Implies Their Fake News Coverage of Apache Warband Attack was the Fault of a Russian Conspiracy

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 22, 2019

Okay, this is epic.

The fake news keeps getting dumber and dumber, and it’s now getting to the point where their lies are consistently entertaining.

The attack by an Apache Warband on an innocent group of anti-abortion MAGA Catholics is still big news, as it turns out the entire thing was a hoax and the media only showed an out of context clip with their condemnation of the white mid-westerners as the pure embodiment of evil.

Yesterday, the New York Times claimed that “new video had emerged.” I pointed out that the video was always available, and the clip that was spammed everywhere was taken from the longer video. I suggested that the media did this on purpose, thinking that no one would ever go and watch the longer video. The full footage showed that the Indians were the attackers, that the white kids did not chant “build a wall,” and that the whole confrontation was ignited by Black Israelis.

NYT on Saturday:

NYT on Sunday:

However, it is actually possible that the media is simply so incompetent that none of them thought to send a single member of their staff to skim the longer clip, and instead simply ran with the story as they found it on Twitter.

I don’t know which is more likely, honestly.

I’m sure they were excited for the confirmation of their prejudices, a reinforcing of their belief in a secret body of evil white MAGA racists lurking in Kentucky and Southern Ohio, just waiting for their moment to rise up and start slaughtering brown people. And perhaps that racial hatred blinded them to reality.

Whatever the case, they’re sure as hell not going to take responsibility for peddling this fake news atrocity propaganda.

While NYT is simply lying and pretending that the longer clip didn’t exist when they went on a rampage after seeing the short clip, CNN is blaming their bizarre and irate coverage of … a Russian plot.

No joke. This is an actual story printed on CNN’s actual website.


Twitter suspended an account on Monday afternoon that helped spread a controversial encounter between a Native American elder and a group of high school students wearing Make America Great Again hats.

The account claimed to belong to a California schoolteacher. Its profile photo was not of a schoolteacher, but of a blogger based in Brazil, CNN Business found. Twitter suspended the account soon after CNN Business asked about it.

The account, with the username @2020fight, was set up in December 2016 and appeared to be the tweets of a woman named Talia living in California. “Teacher & Advocate. Fighting for 2020,” its Twitter bio read. Since the beginning of this year, the account had tweeted on average 130 times a day and had more than 40,000 followers.

Late on Friday, the account posted a minute-long video showing the now-iconic confrontation between a Native American elder and the high school students, with the caption, “This MAGA loser gleefully bothering a Native American protester at the Indigenous Peoples March.”

That version of the video was viewed at least 2.5 million times and was retweeted at least 14,400 times, according to a cached version of the tweet seen by CNN Business.

The video shared by @2020fight did not show what preceded the confrontation between the Native American elder and the high school students.

The video had been posted earlier on Instagram by someone who was at the event, but it was @2020fight’s caption that helped frame the news cycle.

Rob McDonagh, an assistant editor at Storyful, a service that vets content online, was monitoring Twitter activity on Saturday morning and said the @2020fight video was the main version of the incident being shared on social media.

In one indicator of the @2020fight’s video’s virality, multiple newsrooms, including some national American outlets, reached out to the user asking them directly about the video.

McDonagh said he found the account suspicious due to its “high follower count, highly polarized and yet inconsistent political messaging, the unusually high rate of tweets, and the use of someone else’s image in the profile photo.”

Molly McKew, an information warfare researcher who saw the tweet and shared it herself on Saturday, said she later realized that a network of anonymous accounts were working to amplify the video.

Speaking about the nature of fake accounts on social media, McKew told CNN Business, “This is the new landscape: where bad actors monitor us and appropriate content that fits their needs. They know how to get it where they need to go so it amplifies naturally. And at this point, we are all conditioned to react and engage or deny in specific ways. And we all did.

Very interesting that CNN would be admitting that people are “conditioned” to react to racist atrocity propaganda. That everything we watched was a BF Skinner-type conditioned response.

Just so, there is a conditioned response to “fake Twitter accounts.” So they didn’t have to use the word “Russia” in this article. Just the name “Talia” (which was listed as the name of the account) with the description of “meddling,” and you’ve invoked a Russian conspiracy.

This is really a fantastic move on the part of CNN – they failed to review video of the event, reported on it based exclusively on a cropped viral clip on Twitter, then went and interviewed the Indian for his sob story.

Here’s their piece from Saturday:

The shifty-eyed wagon-burner claimed he’d “put [himself] in a really dangerous situation,” suggesting that the MAGA lads were going to attack him!

On Monday, like New York Times and all of the rest of the fake news media, CNN released a sort of “sorry, we accidentally hoaxed you” video:

They skipped over any attempt to explain why they were just now, days later, getting around to watching the entire video of the story which had been their top story an entire news cycle. However, they did in fact tell the whole story, including showing video of the Black Israelis racially insulting the boys, and the fact that the response to these racial insults was not “build the wall” as the Injun had claimed, but school spirit chants.

At the end of the video, they do add that the Indians still claim to have been victimized, but overall, the segment is an admission that they reported fake news in order to incite anti-white racial hatred.

Then today they come out with “well, akshually… we were the victims of Russian bots once again.”

Truly, a fantastic tale of the absolute state of the media.