Daily Stormer
March 21, 2014

This is an example of the tripe that the Jewsmedia feed us.
Tom Cohen, writing for CNN, is pretending that the “sanctions” (read:meaningless visa bans that no one in Russia cares about) are serious business and that the Ape-in-Chief should be as smug as he obviously is.
Jew Tom’s op-ed on the black President’s gay helicopter-side press conference is entitled “Obama walks the talk on Ukraine, ‘as we said we would”‘:
It must have been at least a little satisfying Thursday for President Barack Obama.
He had repeatedly warned Russian President Vladimir Putin against annexing Crimea from Ukraine, threatening tougher sanctions aimed at the Russian economy.
Following the Russian parliament’s vote to approve the annexation, Obama made a previously unscheduled appearance before TV cameras to essentially tell Putin: I told you I’d do it.
“I don telt ya cragga, I be lay dem sangshuns on yo wite azz. N na ya gots dat visa bans. What na? Watchoo gonna do wen twell peoples can get no visa up in der?”
His hastily arranged remarks signaled European allies that Obama would take a leading role on the issue, and also responded to pressure from political foes and some supporters at home for a tougher response to what Vice President Joe Biden called a “land grab” by Putin.
The steps announced Thursday expanded on a previous U.S. list of sanctions targets, adding more senior Russian officials and what officials called “cronies” of Putin as well as a bank controlled by a Putin associate.
Obama also warned Moscow that possible further sanctions would go after key sectors of the economy if Russia escalates the crisis in Ukraine.
Escalate it like what? Like by grabbing more territory? And you are going to then ban more visas? That is the plan? And Jew Tom wants us to believe this is serious business?
In a briefing to reporters, senior U.S. administration officials sounded further warnings against any Russian provocations in Ukraine.
“We believe that it is very important to signal that if Russia further escalates this situation they will be met with severe consequences,” one official said.
The tough talk looked even more credible compared to Russia’s almost comical response to the U.S. announcement: sanctions against nine U.S. political leaders and administration officials.
Obama and U.S. officials have made clear that the response to Russia will remain in the diplomatic and economic arenas, with one senior administration official essentially rejecting for now any direct U.S. effort to bolster Ukraine’s military forces for a ground war.
“Nobody wants the outcome here to be a full-bore military conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and in fact, the Ukrainian government themselves have been quite restrained in not giving in to provocation and not having this go the way of bloodshed,” the official said, adding that “we don’t want to take steps to add to a momentum of further militarizing the situation.”
Any and all war has been taken off the table.
Clearly, the purpose of these alleged sanctions is so that Jews like Tom Cohen can write commentary like this and make the dumb black President out to be anything other than a dumb black President. It has nothing at all to do with foreign affairs. It is a purely domestic matter, from here on out.
Someone more clever is going to have to manage the war with Russia. Maybe that creepy freak Rand Paul, or the dyke witch Hillary. Hell, even Sarah Palin has a higher IQ than Obongo, and she has openly said she wants to nuke Russia. Maybe they’ll put her in.