CNN Running Tranny Porn for 30 Minutes was a Hoax – Why did the Network Confirm It as Real?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 26, 2016


The person who first reported this story as real was none other than Yaron Steinbuch.

So, as they’re going crazy with this “fake news” narrative, CNN itself accidentally confirms a fake news story about it running porn for 30 minutes based on someone’s random tweet – and a story in the New York Post by someone called “Yaron Steinbuch” – and it goes viral for a day before someone realizes it never happened.

I don’t think it’s totally tinfoilish to say it seems very likely CNN was in on a scam to get this new story of “SEE WHAT FAKE NEWS DOES!!! WE HAVE TO BLOCK IT!!!”

Because seriously. How do you accidentally confirm a random tweet?

USA Today:

User @solikearose tweeted that Anthony Bourdain’s “Parts Unknown,” travel show had been replaced, instead, by 30 minutes of porn, via the RCN Boston cable network. That tweet, bolstered by a statement from CNN that seemed to confirm the mishap, was the basis of stories from the U.K Independent and other outlets.

“Despite media reports to the contrary, RCN assures us that there was no interruption of CNN’s programming in the Boston area last night,” said CNN in a statement.

RCN chimed in with a similar statement, “We have not had any reports of the programming issue you mentioned,” it said in a tweet to @solikarose.

Many of the news outlets have updated their original report with corrections or near total rewrites.

The Next Web still has the original headline about the 30 minutes of porn with an addendum (“probably not.”) The Independent switched the headline to “CNN denies airing 30 minutes of hardcore porn.” The Blaze suggests the same, but adds “or did the media fall for a hoax?”

The original NY Post story is still up: “CNN viewers feasted their eyes on more parts than they bargained for Thanksgiving night when they tuned in for “Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown.” Boston viewers hungry for the popular culinary travelogue instead got a hefty serving of hardcore porn for 30 minutes because of a mistake by cable provider RCN, which provides CNN’s broadcasting down the East Coast.”

CNN initially seemed to confirm the mistake, telling Variety that the “RCN cable operator in Boston aired inappropriate content for 30 minutes on CNN last night.”

Little is known about @solikearose, but the account is now private. “Sorry guys, weirdos sending me hate mail & dick pics in the wake of #bourdainporn,” she says on her Twitter page. “Good luck out there.”

But as The Verge points out, “this is exactly how fake news spreads.” A click-bait worthy tweet sounds like catnip to reporters, who take the info as fact, and run with it.

Fake news shared on social media, primarily Fakebook and Twitter, was rampant in the run-up in the recent presidential election, when headlines touting Hillary Clinton’s sale of arms to ISIS and the Pope’s supposed endorsement of Donald Trump made the rounds, even though they weren’t true.

So, yeah.

It’s pretty convenient, no?

It would be nice to know more about the twitter account that tweeted this – one that has so much clout they can just tell CNN what is happening on their own channel and CNN will believe it.

It only has 82 followers.


If that Twitter account told me I had done something I wasn’t aware of having done, I wouldn’t believe it.

The media is in the process of labeling hundreds of news websites – including the one you’re reading now – as “fake news,” claiming they need to be censored by web companies such as Facebook and Google.

If this wasn’t a part of some setup, then all it proves is that the mainstream media is totally irresponsible and will report hoaxes as real based on random tweets.