Girdusky to Hasan: I hope your beeper doesn’t go off
— Acyn (@Acyn) October 29, 2024
During a CNN shouting match TV show, conservative (and I assume Jewish) commentator Ryan Girdusky said he hoped Islamic commentator Mehdi Hasan was blown up with a pager by the Jews.
Hasan said he was used to being called an antisemite because he “supports the Palestinians.” Girdusky replied: “Well, I hope your pager doesn’t go off,” a sarcastic reference to the Jewish terrorist attack on Lebanon in September of this year which involved blowing men’s dicks off with exploding pagers. The Jewish pager attack marked the advent of a new form of terrorism.

Girdusky quickly apologized for the comment, no doubt realizing that he’d gone a bit too far.
Since the segment, CNN has announced that Girdusky will no longer be allowed on their programs. That seems counterintuitive, given that this is the sort of thing people want to see on a shouting match TV show: wishing for terrorist attacks on other panelists.
Girdusky is probably Jewish. He sure looks Jewish, and he is totally obsessed with Israel, like every “conservative” that is allowed on TV.
Hasan, meanwhile, is a low-IQ parasite and a charlatan. He was fired from MSNBC for supporting the Palestinians after October 7th. When he was younger, he was anti-abortion and anti-gay, in line with his claimed religious beliefs, but he sold out completely and apologized for any socially conservative views he’d previously held, only to be fired anyway.
All of the Islamic immigrants that are promoted in the media have sold out their own beliefs, as this is required if you want to be promoted. Watching a guy who claims to be a religious Moslem promote child trannies is severely bizarre. However, even after they’ve sold their souls and promoted gay sex and abortion, most of them still refuse to sell out their race completely and endorse Israel. It is an interesting thing to observe, as their race is clearly more important to them than their religion. (Yes, I realize Hasan is Indian and Palestine is an Arab state, but these groups are a lot more racially similar than they are different.)
No one who is not poisonous is allowed on the TV. Tucker Carlson is one of the only mainstream right-wingers who will oppose the state of Israel, and he was fired from the TV. Meanwhile, some leftists do sort of oppose Israel, but somehow refuse to endorse Hamas, even though Hamas is the legitimate government and military defender of Gaza against the Jewish serial killers.
What’s more, Islamic activists, including that grotesque slob Hasan Piker, are actively opposed to antisemitism and want to be friends with the Jews. What good can it possibly be to promote Palestine if you are opposed to antisemitism? It’s an oxymoron.