#CNNBlackmail: Ted Cruz Says CNN May Have Broken the Law!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 6, 2017

Wow this is the first time I’ve heard of Ted Cruz doing something I agreed with in I can’t remember how long.

In fact… I’m having a hard time remembering who “Ted Cruz” is.

He doesn’t have a very memorable face.

Features are… very doughy…

I know he’s the son of that guy who shot JFK, but I’m having a hard time remembering where else I know him from.

Oh well.

If he’s anti-CNN, I’m sure he’s okay.


US Senator Ted Cruz is questioning the legality of CNN’s supposed threat to expose the identity of the creator of the Trump wrestling CNN meme. In a series of tweets, the Texas Republican prompted CNN lawyers to examine Georgia’s theft by extortion law.

Cruz described CNN’s actions regarding the identification of Reddit user, ‘HanA**holeSolo’ as “troubling,” warning, it could be viewed as a crime if the reporting subjected “any person to hatred, contempt, or ridicule.”

Cruz’s assertions are based on the premise that CNN obtained the Reddit user’s IP address. CNN claims they identified the user with “identifying information” that the user posted online.

It’s very unlikely that this is how they identified him. Almost certainly it was done the way they said it was done – by linking his Reddit account back to his real life social media accounts.

Most random meme-makers don’t have super-high operational security (op-sec) because they don’t expect CNN to devote resources to trying to hunt them down.

HanAssholeSolo probably just said “lol look at what I just posted on Reddit” to one of his Facebook friends with a link at some point in his life. The account was years old, so it would have been very likely this would have happened at some point. Of course, in this case, he could have just refused to talk to CNN and nothing would have happened to him. Journalists are like the cops – you never want to talk to them, as they will accuse you of something and use your statements of self-defense to build a case against you.

On Wednesday, CNN dismissed rumours circulating online, including from the Twitter account of Donald Trump Jr., that the Redditor was a 15-year-old boy, claiming he was an adult male who “apologized and deleted his account before ever speaking with our reporter,” the broadcaster told The Hill in a statement.

As we reported earlier today, it appears that lying hoaxster and anti-free speech activist Jack Posobiec is the original source of the “15-year-old boy” claim, and that he just outright made it up.

This is very unfortunate, given that we and many others ended up reporting on this, but hopefully it will cause the movement to wake-up to the constant lies and hoaxing of Posobiec the rat.

CNN further denied that a deal had been struck with the Reddit user, claiming they withheld his identity “in an effort to be completely transparent that there was no deal.”

This part is kooky – “we only included the threat to show that there was no threat.”

The only purpose of hunting down the meme-maker in the first place was the desire to make a very public threat against him.

I believe this was planned by the network in advance of Trump posting the meme.

Remember that Brian Stelter – a man who believes Trump is leading an “anti-journalism” conspiracy – asked that he be hunted down before Andrew Kaczynski did so.

Now, as I suggested was most likely the case, it turns out that the gif made by HanAssholeSolo was totally different from the WebM posted by Donald Trump.

Buzzfeed has analyzed the the two side-by-side.


As Reddit was celebrating HanAssholeSolo’s victory, one user pointed out that what Trump tweeted wasn’t actually HanAssholeSolo’s GIF.

HanAssholeSolo’s GIF has since been taken down, but screenshots remain and there are some key differences.

First off, what Trump tweeted was a video and has audio. Specifically, it has audio from this 2007 WrestleMania clip.

Also, HanAssholeSolo’s original GIF was shorter, had a different aspect ratio, and had a WWE logo in the corner.

Here’s a screenshot from the video that Trump tweeted. Not even the colors are being processed the same way.

HanAssholeSolo’s GIF has a NTSC aspect ratio, because it was cut directly from a taping of analog Westlemania footage. Trump’s video has an aspect ratio of 16:9.

There’s also the matter of length. In HanAssholeSolo’s original GIF, it goes through the wrestling match once and then, because it’s a GIF, loops itself. The video version doesn’t loop. It has a splice that starts around 12 seconds and then the video starts again.

The problem is that there is a still-unknown third party here who is just as important, if not more important, to this story.

If the question is what is Trump or Trump’s team looking at, then the fact this video is based on a GIF from Reddit only means that whoever made the video version reads /r/The_Donald. Whoever forwarded the video almost certainly didn’t get it off Reddit.

The video most likely came from a far-right Facebook page that routinely scrape /r/The_Donald and 4chan for memes.

So, one can wonder if the WebM Trump posted was “inspired” by HanAssholeSolo’s work – but one can also wonder if in fact two people just came up with the exact same idea. Surely, it was a relatively obvious meme to make, and the way meme magic works is that very often two people are thinking the exact same thing, independently from one another.

Either way, all HanAssholeSolo could have done is “inspire” the video meme posted by Trump, as the video version wasn’t “modified,” but created from scratch – and inspire doesn’t mean the same thing as “create.”

So, what Kaczynski claimed in his original piece:

The GIF was later edited into a video with sound and tweeted by the President on Sunday.

Is factually wrong.

You can’t “edit” a gif “into” a video with sound.

This shows that CNN was not at all concerned about “which websites Trump surfs to find memes,” as they are now claiming – they simply wanted to make an example of any random meme-maker, in order to deliver a threat to the entire anonymous internet that they will, in their words, put you “personal safety” and that of your family at risk if you make fun of them on the internet.