Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 8, 2019
Look: white women may or may not have a primal urge to sleep with black men. You can debate that all you want, it isn’t clear.
What is clear is that we have a society that provides social rewards for women who engage in this behavior.
However, if someone is getting swarmed by a mob of internet people, being called a filthy whore and so on, the rewards for this behavior become much less obvious to them.
More importantly, the other women who look at a woman dating a black man and see her spammed with comments calling her a whore only think one thing: “I don’t want to be in that position.”
Bullying works.
It always has and it always will.
WHEN 21-year-old Madison Sarah uploaded a new lifestyle vlog to YouTube from her bedroom in Manchester, she was hoping for comments about how pretty she looked.
Instead she was branded “a disgusting f**king w***e” and threatened.
Her crime? Dating musician boyfriend Paddy, who is black.
And she’s not the only British woman to face such vile trolling.
In fact a Sun Online investigation has found an alarming rise in racist abuse, aimed at relationships between white women and black men.
These disgusting trolls have dubbed themselves the coal patrol because they are trying to stamp out “coal burners” – their name for white women who date black men.
The term comes from the vulgar idea that a woman “uses black coal to keep her hot”.
That is a vulgar idea – that is our exact point.
Because women are too stupid to understand simple things like “this is fucking vulgar, wow,” it needs to be shown to them that they will not get rewards from this behavior, and no matter what the TV says, normal people think they’re filthy.
Here are some of the so-called “victims” of internet behavior regulators listed by The Sun.
Do they think these images are going to bring sympathy to the cause of burning coal?
These images of human females with prehistoric monkey creatures cause only confusion and rage in the mentally sound individual.
What we really need is some high-profile “bullied into suicide for sex with a black man” cases.
I know the boys are doing their best – and that’s all I can ask of them.
By the way, Coal Patrol is recruiting young white men who are interested in punishing these filthy whores.
Just check out their secret club house at
Conversely, you can just start patrolling by yourself. But you need somewheres to organize your raids from.
Furthermore, you can just drive around in your car and scream at women you see with black men.
There is no other course of action to deal with this debacle.