Coca-Cola Ad Shows Queer Marriage as a Solution to World Problems

Life Site News
January 10, 2014

Coca-Cola has launched a series of TV ads in four countries portraying same-sex relationships as a counterweight to displays of “hatred.”

As part of its “Reasons to Believe” campaign, Coca-Cola has run four ads tailored to Irish, Dutch, Norweigan, and British audiences. All but the Irish ad show two men holding hands in what appears to be the end of a same-sex “marriage” ceremony.

The ads consist of alternating positive and negative images, culminating in how life is better with Coke. One man is shown playing with a cat, another is shown tripping off a stage, and other people are shown in sporting events, raising money for a cure, and other common situations.

In the ads showing the two men post-ceremony, their vignette follows a scene where a car is being kicked by unidentified people. According to the ad’s on-screen text, “For every display of hatred…there are 5,000 celebrations of love.”

Monica Cole, director of, told that the company could face a backlash in the United States. “Conservative Americans will and should stand up for truth and decency no matter the company they are up against,” she said.

Coca-Cola “should remain neutral in the culture war and should not cave to political correctness, or they run the risk of losing loyal customers,” she added.

The “marriage” scene, which according to international homosexual activist publication EILE Magazine actually uses footage from an Australian civil union ceremony, has drawn unexpected criticism by same-sex “marraige” proponents.

They say Coca-Cola’s decision to substitute an interracial marriage couple for homosexuals in the Irish ad is an act of cowardice on the company’s part.

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