Cold-Blooded and Callous Black Druggie Jailed for Maiming and Killing White Aunt and Niece

PJ Star
October 29, 2015

Robbin Underwood was shot in the head because a Negro was angry at having missed his original target.

Calling the 2006 slaying of Robbin Underwood as “cold-blooded and callous” as he’s seen, a Peoria County judge on Friday sentenced one of the men involved to 60 years in prison.

Judge David Brown decried the March 16, 2006, shooting that left Underwood dead and her niece, Jennifer Lindler, seriously injured. Lindler had gone to the 1300 block of North Ellis Street to buy drugs from Micah Foreman when they were ambushed by Allen S. Fitzpatrick Jr. and several others who were in a rival gang.

Fitzpatrick, now 35, and others opened fire on Foreman, missed and then turned their attention to the women, who were unarmed. At least three weapons were fired at the women, who were trapped in a pickup truck.

Underwood died from a gunshot wound to the head. Lindler suffered several injuries to her legs, hips and body.

“If ever there was a definition of lack of regard for human life, that’s it,” Brown said.

Prosecutors urged a lengthy prison term, saying the women were not the intended targets and that Fitzpatrick and the others were cruising around town looking for Foreman. They laid in wait for him, knowing he hung out on that block and then jumped out in a gangland-style ambush.

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Allen S. Fitzpatrick Jr. claims it was unfair for the judge to hold his 20 year criminal history against him.

“They were out with retaliation on their minds and vengeance in their hearts,” said Assistant State’s Attorney Suzanne Patton, who pushed for a stiff sentence.

But defense attorney Sam Snyder and Fitzpatrick himself urged Brown not to just go by a 20-year criminal history amassed by Fitzpatrick. Rather, they said, he was a person who deserved a chance to walk out of prison at some point.

And with the minimum sentence at 35 years, any term would be extensive.

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