Colin Powell (Pronounced “Colon Pao”) Says Bill Clinton Still “Dicking Bimbos”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 15, 2016

Thank KEK the US government has high-level affirmative action hires like Colin Powell (pronounced “Colon Pao”) who are so stupid they reply to phishing emails from diabolical Russian hacker geniuses (Russian genius hackers are the only ones who can do really good phishing emails, because it takes a major state entity to create really good phishing emails), or we wouldn’t be able to find out about Bill Clinton’s dicking.

One of Powell’s leaked emails reads:

I would rather not have to vote for her, although she is a friend I respect. A 70-year person [sic] with a long track record, unbridled ambition, greedy,not transformational, with a husband still dicking bimbos at home (according to the NYP).

The email was sent on July 26, 2014 to Jeffrey Leeds, a hedge fund manager who is a major Democrat donor. Powell serves on the board of his fund, Leeds Equity Partners.

The Powell emails, which were released yesterday by DCLeaks, are from his Gmail account, meaning there is no way this is any type of “hack.” Gmail doesn’t just get “hacked.”

tyrone the nigger

The account could only have been accessed for one of four reasons:

  1. Powell’s password was guessable
  2. Powell used the same password for some other much less secure purpose
  3. Powell responded to a phishing email, which would said something like “this is seriously the real Google, there is strange activity on your account, please reply to this email with your password so we know everything is cool”
  4. Powell clicked a link installing a trojan on his computer

Once again: Black people are stupid.

Most likely, all of the information being leaked by DNCLeaks is accessed through one of these three methods.

And once again: absolutely anyone could have exploited any of those four situations. It doesn’t take a “large state entity” to do this, and anyone who knows anything knows that.

This once again demonstrates just how stupid the government believes the American public is, as they present “hacking” as some sort of high-level dark magic that you can only do with quantum super-computer AI which can only be afforded by a global superpower.

Another Powell-Leeds exchange talked about how much the Clintons hate Obama.

Kinda funny.