Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormrer
March 8, 2014

Miriam Weeks, a Duke University student who goes by the alias “Belle Knox” when she has sex for money, was “outed” as a porn star by a college newspaper and has since become a media sensation.
He she is in an interview with the filthy British subversive Piers Morgan:
Although I cannot confirm her ethnicity, I have never seen anyone as Jewish-looking as this girl. Her father is a doctor, by the way. Which makes one wonder why she couldn’t afford tuition, as she claims.
She tells Piers that American society looks down upon sex, and tries to make people feel guilty for having sex. This statement is comparable to Obama’s recent claim that the people who violently overthrew the government of the Ukraine were “peaceful protesters.” The reality is that every aspect of Jew-ridden American society is aimed at celebrating sex – all forms of it – as the most important thing that anyone can be doing, thus reducing human beings to the state of animals.
She has been verbally degraded and mocked for being in porno by fellow students, but she wants to make it clear that she is only doing this to fight the patriarchy.
After being outed, she wrote of her perspective on the feminist website XOjane, saying:
We must question in this equation why sex workers are so brutally stigmatized. Why do we exclude them for jobs, education, and from mainstream society?
Why do we scorn, threaten and harass them?
Why do we deny them of their personhood?
Why does the thought of a woman having sexual experiences scare us so much?
The answer is simple.
Patriarchy fears female sexuality.
It terrifies us to even fathom that a woman could take ownership of her body. We deem to keep women in a place where they are subjected to male sexuality. We seek to rob them of their choice and of their autonomy. We want to oppress them and keep them dependent on the patriarchy. A woman who transgresses the norm and takes ownership of her body — because that’s exactly what porn is, no matter how rough the sex is — ostensibly poses a threat to the deeply ingrained gender norms that polarize our society.
I am well aware: The threat I pose to the patriarchy is enormous. That a woman could be intelligent, educated and CHOOSE to be a sex worker is almost unfathomable.
Clearly, this is a very confusing perspective. If being a whore is liberating to females, then why is it that feminist liberation has always argued that the oppression of women was based on their being exploited for sex? Having sex with a man who is paying for your life is exploitative, so said Jew Steinem, but having sex with a stranger for cash to pay for your life is fighting the patriarchy.
What this appears to mean is that if a woman takes cash for sex, she is then able to decide how the money she receives is spent, whereas if she were married with a man paying for her life, she would be subject to behavioral restrictions.
Or, at least, that is the only thing I am able to figure. It could be this is just completely Jewish gibberish, which we goyim are not meant to be able to unravel.
Even if the above logic is being used, we still have a woman admitting that her only worth is sex, to be given to a man in exchange for money. This does not appear to be very empowering. In fact, it seems to be a full admission that all criticisms of feminism are correct.
The reality is that women had power where they withheld sex from men. It was there that they were able to influence the behavior of men, and thus get what they needed from them. Giving it away outside of a commitment, either for free or for cash, strips them of power, and puts them in a place where they must try to compete with men on an equal intellectual, emotional and professional playing field, something which they will never be capable of doing.
What’s even worse in that Weeks was known for starring in porno which is explicitly intended to be degrading, appearing in a film called “Facial Abuse” where she was gagged with a man’s penis while he spit in her face and called her a whore.
If she is a Jew, as her nose and skull structure indicate, she is playing the role of encouraging naive teenage goyim to get involved in this sickening industry, as it will bring them joy, liberation and most of all cold hard cash. If she is not a Jew, she is still doing that same thing.
The traditional argument against pornography, that it serves to cause men to view women as merely sex objects, is true. However, it never led to men going out and mass-raping women, as had been predicted by critics, and instead led to men withdrawing from women, having their sexual urges fulfilled by virtual sex, leading them to live lives of loneliness, rather than attempt to secure a mate.
Though most of the actresses are non-Jews, the porno industry is completely run and managed by Jews, and it was Jews who got the obscenity laws removed from the books in the first place, allowing hardcore pornography to be produced and distributed in the United States.
The Jewish porn mogul Mike Kulich, who recently appeared on YouTube with a rabbi talking about how Jews destroy Christian society through pornography, came out and offered the guy who outed Weeks $10,000 to star in a porno.
From Mediaite:
In an open letter to Thomas Bagley, the Duke freshman who revealed his fellow student’s secret porn career at a fraternity event, porn CEO Mike Kulich gave him a taste of his own medicine by not only revealing Bagley’s expensive subscription to his own rough sex websites, but also offering him the so-called chance of a lifetime: “I will give you the opportunity to bang ANY porn star you want,” Kulich proposed. “We will make you a celebrity because it is apparent how much you love porn and attention.”
According to Belle Knox, the student in question, Bagley, had recognized her from a video in which she’d starred. Kulich seized on his apparent porn connoisseurship, revealing that he paid $200 per week to access “For someone who subscribes to a site like Facial Abuse I want to commend you for spending the $200 a week your parents send you every week for living expenses wisely,” Kulich sarcastically wrote. “I want to also commend you on getting accepted into Duke. Great school! I am sure your parents are proud…You are the type of guy that makes our business move.”
The fact that our society has become infatuated with not simply sex, but brutal and violent sex, speaks to just how far gone we are.
The alleged “repression” of sexuality was in fact a way for White society to escape from the bonds of being enslaved to base drives, in the way that animals and black people are. We were able to then develop a complex social order, which allowed us to create all we’ve created. The Jewish push to drive us back into animal-like sexuality is one clearly designed to lower our existence by enslaving us to our base drives, and yet it is being sold as form of liberation.