Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 11, 2014

In one of the most blatantly obvious examples of the reality that the current Jew agenda is to put Black and other non-Whites as above Whites in every manner conceivable, a college President has been forced to apologize for saying “all lives matter.”
Kathleen McCartney, President of Smith College, was attempting to show solidarity with anti-racist extremists when she sent an email to everyone at the school with the subject line “All Lives Matter” – what she didn’t realize is that this statement implied that White lives also matter, which is a violation of the Jew narrative, which asserts that White people deserved to be murdered.
The Daily Hampshire Gazette, which first covered the story, quoted one Smith sophomore, Cecelia Lim, as saying, “it felt like she was invalidating the experience of black lives.”
In response to student backlash, McCartney apologized in another campus-wide email Friday, saying she had made a mistake “despite my best intentions.”
She wrote that the problem with the phrase lay in how others had used it.
“I regret that I was unaware the phrase/hashtag “all lives matter” has been used by some to draw attention away from the focus on institutional violence against Black people,” she wrote.
In her apology e-mail, McCartney also shared some of the student emails she received.
She quoted one student as saying: “It minimizes the anti-blackness of this the current situation; yes, all lives matter, but not all lives are being targeted for police brutality. The black students at this school deserve to have their specific struggles and pain recognized, not dissolved into the larger student body.”
The slogan being used by the Blacks and their Jew puppet-masters is “Black lives matter.” This is meant to be read as “Black lives also matter,” but the subliminal is that “only Black lives matter,” and in attacking someone for suggesting lives other than those of Blacks matter, they are admitting this fact.
These people have an entire continent. That point cannot be stressed enough. White people do not have a continent – they are not even allowed to have their own villages.
If Black lives matter, they can matter in Africa. And they can leave us the hell alone.