College Republicans Sorry for Hitler-Themed Valentine’s Day Card

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 11, 2017

Are they really sorry for the card though?

Or just sorry they got caught?


A Central Michigan University Republican student group is apologizing for a Valentine’s Day card that mocks Jews who died in the Holocaust.

The College Republicans group handed out gift bags to students Wednesday night, including one with a card that said “my love 4 u burns like 6,000 jews.” It had a photo of Adolf Hitler and was signed “XOXO, Courtney.”

The group apologized on Facebook, saying it doesn’t condone anti-Semitism and that the card was made and placed in the bag without its knowledge. The group didn’t identify the member who placed the card in the bag.

The mainstream media can take it to the bank that we are in the process of taking over every single college Republican group in the United States.

We will influence the minds of the youth to shape the future.