College Student Gets Doxxed for “Insulting” Tinder Attention Whore

Eric Striker
Daily Stormer
November 1, 2017

Thanks to garbage like Tinder, women in America are overwhelmed by choices. A study done in 2010 found that when people are given too many choices, they end up picking nothing. Without social and economic pressure for women to get married, we have found ourselves in the middle of a crisis of unmarried, sterile Millennials.

This generation of women will inevitably go from infinite choices to dying alone, and don’t have the foresight to care.

When it comes to “dating apps,” Jews control all the major ones. IAC’s (((Barry Diller))) and (((Joey Levin))) control, Tinder and OkCupid in a monopolistic fashion. For this reason, the services in question are all highly political and virulently anti-male.

Any time you pay them, you are paying Jews to advance hypergamy and feminism. Thanks to social media and dating sites catering towards women, monogamy has become all but impossible.

For that reason, you should exclusively use dating sites to troll and stir the pot: an antidote to the unnatural frame Jews have created here.

City Pages:

One young Twin Cities man is going to have a hard time finding a date for a while.

Especially if he’s using Tinder, which he apparently was not long ago, and where, in early September, he “matched” with a young woman named Alison Kmett.

The man’s Tinder profile described him as 20, a student at North Hennepin Community College, “quick with a joke or to light up your smoke,” and a lover of hockey and lacrosse, according to a since-gone-viral Facebook post of Kmett’s. He currently works as a cook, and is working toward a nursing degree.

“Hey,” the guy wrote to Kmett. Time passed, and her would-be suitor’s attempt at an opening line went without response. So he wrote again.

“Well i kinda hope you get raped bye,” the guy wrote, illustrating his message with a hand-wave emoji.

Eschewing the traditional choices — either responding to this grisly threat, or ignoring it — Alison Kmett went with a third option. She took it public, posting a screenshot of the messages and his Tinder profile, while charitably crossing out the dude’s name.

Others took the story directly to the guy’s school, which responded with a statement earlier this week. North Hennepin Community College heard from “many very concerned students, parents, and community members” about the situation, and reiterated its stance against behavior like his.

“Our college takes this matter very seriously, and our public safety department has opened an investigation into the incident. We do not in any way condone, or tolerate this type of rhetoric or behavior, as stated in our sexual harassment policy.”

NHCC did not include whether the incident could affect the man’s status as a nursing student.

If you are good looking and muscular, post shirtless pics with inflammatory troll profiles and you might actually get laid. But beware, bitter cunts and their bugman enablers may try to dox you when you inevitably get frustrated over the sheer amount of bots, scammers, Instagram follower farmers, and attention whores (99% of all women on dating apps, the other 1% being fat broads and single moms) Tinder has made itself a home for.

As for the man in question, he is a catch: good looking, employed and has a plan for the future. In any sane time in history, women would love for him to take their hand in marriage. The same might be true of you reading this, Joe Average.

But in the age of feminism and casual sex, women use attention from him as a crutch propping up their fantasy about that semi-famous hockey player or coke-dealer that banged them out in a nightclub bathroom.

When he reacts with relatively mild frustration at being ghosted (probably not the first time), the bitch suddenly taps into her network of harpies and cuckolds to ruin his life. That’s female pathological narcissism in action.

How much more of this will men tolerate?