The New Observer
January 10, 2016
New Observer correspondent in Cologne, Germany—More than 1,700 police, under orders from the German government, turned out to halt a 3,000-strong Pegida demonstration in Cologne city center today—a marked contrast to the paltry 150 officers who were sent to the same venue to counter the nonwhite refugee-criminal attacks on New Year’s Eve.
Helmeted riot police, armored vehicles, and water cannon were turned on the crowd of patriotic Germans who came out in their thousands to protest the nonwhite attacks.
The thousands who took part in the Pegida demonstration were of all ages and sexes—contrary to controlled media coverage.
The crowd chanted, among other things, “Merkel has to go!” and “Reker has to go!” (A reference to the mayoress of Cologne.)
Among the crowd, many German flags were to be seen, along with the old black-white-red flag of the World War I era, and the Crusader Flag.
Placards carried by the crowd bore the “Rapefugees not welcome” slogan, while others read “Applauded yesterday, groped today, woke up tomorrow.”
A speaker described the New Year’s Eve events as a “Cologne pogrom” which was part of a “planned genocide of the German people.”
Trouble only started when a group of around 500 Communist thugs were prevented by police from attacking the Pegida crowd.
The Communists then threw firecrackers and bottles at the police, and in typical fashion, the authorities then used this violence to claim that the entire meeting was now a “danger to public peace” and without further ado turned the water cannons on the peaceful crowd.
The police attack on the Pegida crowd proved to be a final provocation for some of the more militant elements among the protestors, who then responded by pushing the police line and throwing objects at the armored cars and water cannons.
Police then used pepper spray and forced the Pegida rally to a halt, making most of the participants scatter in the direction of the main railway station.
The increasing militancy of the crowd has most certainly served as a powerful indicator that the public mood is increasingly restless in Germany, and large-scale demonstrations of this sort could easily escalate into a crisis for the Merkel regime.