Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 9, 2016

The feminist slut Mayor of Cologne has refused to take any personal responsibility, whatsoever, for flooding the streets with these rape-apes who assaulted hundreds of girls on New Year’s Eve.
Initially, she came out and blamed the girls themselves, saying that they had to do more to protect themselves from getting groped while walking in the center of the city. She did not say how they would do this, instead pledging to release an online guide explaining how to avoid roaming gangs of rape-crazed New Germans.
After people were like “wait, are you seriously blaming the victims?” she has now came out and blamed the police chief.

The police chief of the German city of Cologne was dismissed Friday amid mounting criticism of his force’s handling of a string of New Year’s Eve sexual assaults and robberies blamed largely on foreigners.
Wolfgang Albers had faced mounting criticism for the police response to New Year’s Eve attacks on women by groups of men within a 1,000-strong crowd described by police as predominantly Arab or North African in origin.
Albers’ dismissal comes amid a flurry of disconcerting allegations over the behavior of foreigners at time when large groups of migrants, mostly from Syria, are flooding into Europe.
Just to point out a standard media lie here: only 38% of these people are from Syria. They keep saying “most,” which is objectively false. But it really makes the narrative confusing when you realize that over 60% of these “refugees” are coming from countries which are not at war. It makes it especially confusing when you realize that even the Syrians were already safe in Turkey when they left for Germany.
So it is easier for them to just lie. Even in the AP, where they are allegedly just giving you straight facts.
Government spokesman Georg Streiter said the chancellor wants “the whole truth” about the events in Cologne and “nothing should be held back and nothing should be glossed over.”
He said the trouble in Cologne “doesn’t just harm our rule of law but also the great majority of completely innocent refugees who have sought protection.”
Yes, of course. The real victims of mass gang-rape by migrants are the migrants themselves.
The German government said 31 suspects were briefly detained for questioning after the New Year’s Eve trouble, among them 18 asylum-seekers. The 31 included nine Algerians, eight Moroccans, five Iranians, four Syrians, two Germans and one person each from Iraq, Serbia and the United States.
Obviously the Germans weren’t White Germans, the “Serbian” is Albanian and the US man is a Moslem.

Really, the German government should be praising this event. All of these different groups of Moslems unifying for a common goal.
That was Merkel’s plan, wasn’t it?
None of the 31 has been accused of specifically committing sexual assaults, the aspect of Cologne’s disturbances that attracted most public outrage at home and abroad. Cologne police say they have received 170 criminal complaints connected to the New Year’s festivities, 120 of them sexual in nature.
Ministry spokesman Tobias Plate said those detained were believed to have been members of the crowd in front of the Cologne railway station on New Year’s Eve.
Plate said authorities were investigating whether the assaults were connected to reports of similar offenses in other German cities.
Police in other European nations reported cases of similar trouble in public places, particularly near train stations, fueling speculation the events might have been coordinated.
Yeah, because race doesn’t exist, it must have been coordinated.

If race did exist, you could just say they all did it because they are all of a similar genetic background which is prone to this type of behavior.
In Sweden, police said at least 15 young women reported being groped by groups of men on New Year’s Eve in the city of Kalmar. Police spokesman Johan Bruun said two men, both asylum-seekers, have been told via interpreter that they are suspected of committing sexual assaults. He said police are trying to identify other suspects.
In Finland, police said they received tipoffs on New Year’s Eve that about 1,000 predominantly Iraqi asylum seekers were intending to gather near the main railway station in Helsinki and harass passing women. Police there said they received three complaints of harassment and detained several asylum-seekers at the scene for alleged inappropriate behavior.
Police failed to mention the attacks around Cologne’s main train station in their initial morning report on New Year’s Day, describing overnight festivities as “largely peaceful.”
Albers, the former police chief, acknowledged that mistake earlier this week, but he dismissed widespread criticism that his officers reacted too slowly in response to reports of assaults and harassment of women.
However, an internal police report published in German media Thursday characterized Cologne’s police as overwhelmed and described how women were forced to run through gantlets of drunken men outside the station.
Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker suggested Friday that police had withheld information from her, including on the origin of suspects. She said that her “trust in the Cologne police leadership is significantly shaken.”
This is so insane.
You know why it’s insane?
Because German authorities have admittedly instructed police to cover-up migrant crimes.
German officials have ordered a cover-up of crimes committed by migrants to prevent causing alarm, a local newspaper has claimed.
Asylum seekers are being recruited across the country as cheap drug dealers as well as petty thieves, says German newspaper, Bild – the biggest daily paper in the country.The paper accused the police of covering up the extent of migrant crimes in order to stop concerns among the general population.
It also claimed asylum seekers were prepared to work for a few euros couriering drugs across the country and said they were being signed up almost as soon as they had registered as asylum seekers.
Migrant crime was apparently the hot topic of discussion at gatherings of police, city officials, health officials and other officials dealing with the drug problem in the city of Frankfurt.
As well as drug related crimes, asylum seekers were also being used to sell stolen goods such as mobile phones, which in many cases were sold on to other refugees.
But the paper said that all of the officials dealing with the problem had been ordered not to talk about it, as it was an extremely sensitive subject that has been forbidden to be referred to in an ‘offensive manner’.
The reason given by the paper was to avoid alarming the general public already concerned with the vast number of asylum seekers the country has allowed in, but also to avoid providing material for right-wing extremists.
So the government orders the cops to cover-up migrant crime, they get caught covering it up, then the government attacks them for having covered it up.
This is all so slimy and disgusting. But what is outrageous is the scale of it – the top levels of the German government are involved in a massive conspiracy with the media and the police to confuse the people as to the nature of these apes they are flooding the streets with.
It is also outrageous that they have now been caught red-handed doing this and nothing is happening.
Never forget that hundreds of thousands of people marched through the streets of Berlin in October to protest Obamatrade. So they have the ability to stage protests.
But they won’t protest when their own government gets caught in a conspiracy to protect gang sex attackers.
This is a society run by women.

Feminists don’t actually care about protecting other women. They care about hurting White men. That is all they care about. And they don’t care how many White women’s lives they have to destroy to hurt White men.
The sooner people wake up to this fact, the sooner we can begin solving these problems.