Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 7, 2016
Part of the modern Jewish paradigm is being perpetually shocked by things that were obviously going to happen.
“We never would have expected Moslem terrorists to kill people.”
“We never would have expected Moslem gang-rapists to sexually assault women.”
The Cologne police have come out and said now that they “weren’t prepared” for the mass sex assault on New Year’s.
Why on earth would you not prepare for something so obvious?
These statements come after they blatantly lied about the evening and said it was peaceful and good.
Cologne police were not ready to deal with the mass sexual assaults committed during New Year’s celebrations, the city’s police chief told RT, adding that they have never experienced such incidents before.
Why would you have experienced this before?
These people weren’t there before.
“Eventually we had a situation where a large group of men were going after women. We did intervene and help. But I’ll admit that we were totally bewildered by it all. We have never encountered incidents like this before and we weren’t prepared for it,” Cologne Chief of Police, Wolfgang Albers, told RT.
Did you not know what Arabs were?
Do you not have televisions or the internet?
This isn’t some new thing or something that isn’t known by everyone.
According to witnesses, “heavily intoxicated” men of “Arab or North African” origin flooded the city’s famous square between its central train station and Gothic cathedral.
Aged between 15 and 35, individuals in the crowd began throwing firecrackers and setting off fireworks as the New Year arrived.
With the festivities in full swing, some men reportedly sexually assaulted women and pick-pocketed revelers. Among the criminal complaints officially filed, there is at least one allegation of rape.
The city residents are now afraid that such a situation may repeat.
Why would it not repeat?
And what is the point of worrying about something you know is going to happen?

You people are just going to have to live with it.
I don’t know what to tell you.
The other option is full-on revolt.
“It scared me. I am coming through this place every day and I am very scared by what happened here. I hope this will never happened again. It is horrible especially for women,” one woman told RT.
Yes. Getting groped, robbed and or raped by a thousand-man army definitely fits the definition of “horrible.”
We all feel bad for you. You’ve been brainwashed by kikes.
Kundgebung zu Ende. Danach gab es noch einen kurzen Demo-Zug. #köln51
— Danny Marx (@dannytastisch) January 5, 2016
But we also remember, very clearly, the smugness with which you welcomed these people into your country and condemned the rest of Europe for being weary about this invasion agenda.
There is a process which has gone on here, which is rather standard:
- Sow
- Reap
“I am afraid. You cannot separate this from the debate about refugee situation. In my opinion we have to help the refugees but we also have to realize and face the danger that comes as a side effect with this policy and we have to stand up to it!” another Cologne resident, a middle-aged man, said.
Well, if the concern was to help the army of terror-rapists, you could have just sent money to Turkey to help their camps, like everyone was telling you to do.
The camps are already not that bad.
But the majority of your country didn’t want to simply send money to these people, they wanted to flood the streets with them in a weird act of mass suicide.
Again, I understand you’ve been brainwashed by Jews. But the law of nature is at work here.
This is just the reality, Germany.
The initial police report on New Year ’s Eve in Cologne said the night had gone peacefully.“Like last year, most of the New Year celebrations were held peacefully,” a Cologne police statement of January 1 said. It added that the situation “was relaxed – also because the police were well placed at critical locations.”
Further police press releases were not so positive. From January 3, police news included a more detailed picture of New Year celebrations. Reports by the assaulted women, the hunt for suspects and police searches were all detailed.
In the meantime, at least four suspects have been identified in connection with the mass sex assaults committed in Cologne on New Year’s Eve, Ralf Jager, the state interior minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, said. Police have not yet made any arrests.
That is less than 1%, for those not great with math.
What about all those cameras everywhere? I guess all Arabs look the same?
Are you not simply ensuring that this will happen again, on a much larger scale, by not punishing these people?
What is the plan here, exactly?