Colorado: Republicans Vote Out Chairman Because He Opposed Anal

The Republican Party is a gay anal fiasco.

And they do not tolerate people who think penises go in vaginas.

The Republican Party, because of its strong values and principles, knows that the only place a penis can be properly inserted into is a man’s anus, or, preferably, the anus of a young boy.

CBS News:

Colorado Republicans overwhelmingly voted to remove state party chairman Dave Williams by a vote of 161.66 to 12 on Saturday. Some people’s votes only counted for a fraction of a full vote.

The move comes after Williams sent an email attacking Pride Month and referring to the LGBTQ+ community as “godless groomers.” He also called for the burning of all Pride flags on social media.

Yeah, well.

That is intolerable.

More than 100 Republican leaders across Colorado had previously signed a petition to remove their state party chairman from his position.

“We will be getting a new chair of the State GOP!” Republican state Sen. Barbara Kirkmeyer wrote in a post on X after the vote.

Barbara Kirkmeyer: Queen of Forced Anal

It isn’t the first time Williams, a state representative whose district includes El Paso County, has come under fire. But for many Republicans, it was the last straw.

Williams has said those who sign the petition are “weak establishment Republicans” who are “waging civil war.” He said he wouldn’t apologize, even if it meant losing his position.

In June, he lost his primary bid for Colorado’s 5th Congressional District against Jeff Crank for Colorado’s 5th Congressional District against Jeff Crank in June.

“Instead of focusing on what unites us, under the leadership of Dave Williams the message from the State GOP has been one of division fueled by hateful narratives,” Kirkmeyer said in June. “It is past time to part ways with Dave Williams. His tactics are undermining our ability to lift up Colorado.”

Lift them up? Sir, you don’t get it.

The Republican Party is about helping people down – into the gay bathhouse.

The future of the Republican Party is diverse. We don’t have time for old, worn-out ideas such as “penis goes in vagina.”

Future Republican leaders, including Jews, niggers, and women, know where a penis goes: into the anus of a young boy.

Get with the times, buddy.