Colorado: State’s Biggest School District Says It’s Gonna Trannify Kids Whether Parents Agree or Not

Were Colorado theaters not showing Deadpool 3?

Did they not get the memo that the woke movement is officially over? Disney announced it in the biggest blockbuster of the summer. It’s official.

The UK has banned child trannies. Most states have banned child trannies. Kamala is not running on child trannies, even though it was Joe Biden’s main issue, second only to global war.

But of course, Colorado and other ultra-liberal states are going to run this tranny thing into the ground.

Daily Caller:

A Colorado school district is implementing an “LGBTQ+ tool kit” that will force students to attend lessons on related topics even if their parents disapprove.

The tool kit was created by the Denver School District and updated in July, prohibiting students from opting out of LGBTQ+ lessons and curriculum, no matter if a student or their parents have different beliefs. There is no parental permission required for teaching these topics and the only possible way to opt out is for sex-ed lessons.

Editor’s Note: What the hell is that last sentence? Is Daily Caller really the only source we have for this story, Snake? Because I do not understand what that sentence means. –AA

The Denver Public Schools also offer several books on “LGBTQ+ topics,” the document states. The tool kit notes that the age-appropriate “LGBTQ+” topics being taught will be allowed for every grade level.

The tool kit also outlines a glossary of LGBT-related definitions and specific rules staff must follow when handling a student who is transitioning, the document states. The document notes that no student, regardless of whether they are transgender or non-binary will be left out of an overnight trip and that a student’s “sexual orientation” and gender are to remain private on these trips.

The majority of students are Mexicans. Why are Mexicans accepting this? Do they even know it’s happening? 

The Denver school district does not require parents’ consent when using a student’s pronouns at school, according to the document. The tool kit provides an entire section on how to help a student transition, even if their parents are unaware.

It states in the document that faculty are not to “out” students and that it is prohibited to share a student’s “gender identity” or “sexual orientation” with their family. The kit also mentions that all “sexual orientations are valid” and that transgender individuals have more than one “sexual orientation.”

When a student is transitioning, faculty and staff are encouraged to ask the student about their “self-asserted gender” and that transgender students do not have to physically prove they are transgender, the tool kit document states. The students who claim to be transgender have to be treated as such, no matter if they had any kind of surgery or if they don’t dress or act differently.

This is a great opportunity for boys to go into the girls’ shower room and start masturbating in an outrageous manner.

There is some resistance. It’s not smart resistance, but at least it’s there.